Does Iceriver honor their warranties? You decide. Look at everyones accounts with Iceriver

Hey guys, so Im posting this because Im starting to have legitimate concerns about Iceriver.
So it started with my KS3M starting to act erratic with chip temperatures. I contacted Icerivers customer support (Peky) and they wanted to make sure that the “did you plug it in” and “did you restart it” type stuff was completed before returning it on my warranty. It had run for 2 months before the miner completely shut down and would not turn back on.
I shipped it back to Hong Kong and it took them about 5 weeks to get it back. Surprisingly it took 2 days for them to recieve it via UPS, (and 700 dollars in shipping later.) It took them 3-4 weeks to diagnose, “fix”, and reship it. Unfortunately because of how mining sites work I my miner couldn’t be started up because most mining sites have to wait to essentially schedule another miner to prepare them for the demand charge. (Side note now Im out 2 months of this not running)
I have requested a new machine because this one seems to be a lemon however they are insistent that I ship it back to them at my own expense. I will be shipping it back, and I have let them know that I am going to keep the Vosk community posted on their Warranty work, because honestly Im feeling left out to dry. I bought these machines for 6500 dollars each and the networks hashrate is going up like a rocket) by the time Iceriver gets it together and gets this miner fixed Ill be lucky to get a quarter of what I have into the miner. (But hey at least Iceriver got paid.)
My biggest concern is they sent me a video of the miner up and hashing, which was them showing the UI and then panned over to my miner with the serial number showing. This would be easy to stage showing a computer screen with a working hash rate and having your miner also within view. If I send this off again, and the miner comes back not working, it will almost 100 percent confirm for me that they are spoofing their repair and just shipping it back. Im hoping this worry is for no reason, but we will have to see how this plays out.

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Have you considered sending it to a repair centre in the US? I know it’s not warranty claim but at worst a repair centre like east coast ASICS might be able to do a diagnostic and tell you what’s wrong. It will be a lot cheaper and quicker than shipping it to China. If it’s cooked then you can send it to Iceriver for warranty.

It might also worth checking out other centres closest to you Asic Miner Repair Center USA | Zeus Mining

I might actually do that. My only concern with doing this is I don’t think Icerivers have kernel logs. If they open it up Im pretty sure it voids the warranty. I might as well message them and see what they say. Thanks ShredZ!

I think Tswift has software that you use on your pc via ip scan that has the logs, I reckon it’s on his telegram

Also (someone correct me if I’m wrong) but if there’s no stickers covering screws then removing those parts will not void warranty. There’s a Iceriver tester kit I think I’ve seen and I bet the repair facility will have them and it just plugs in like you plug your hashboard into the control board, so they will be able to give you some information without voiding warranty. So maybe just when you contact a repair facility just make it clear that it still has warranty and is it possible to fix without voiding warranty, and if it is fixable is it a cheap job, because when I was looking at my friends logs for his hashboard he had 2 boards that had most chips not working on his boards. I’m not sure if the issue was the chips but if each chip was cooked, it’s $80 per chip last time I looked. But if it is a tiny part only worth a few cents then it would be in your best interests to let that repair happen in the US. Good luck mate

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Hey Shred, who tswift? I have heard you and a couple other of the guys mention him. Is he with Zeus?

Nar he is a supplier and has his own overclock

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I will be sending it back to Iceriver on warranty for the SECOND time. The cost to the customer is huge to send it all the way to Hong Kong. Lets see if Iceriver can get it done right this time. Will keep you all up to date.

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Okay so I decided NOT to send the miner all the way back to China on Icerivers “warranty” because after spending an 700 dollars to ship it back to Hong Kong and receiving the miner back in non-operational condition, my faith in Iceriver’s ability to repair their own miners was nonexistent. The amount of time and money it takes to send a miner back to Hong Kong absolutely irradicates the idea of ROI but especially when the miner doesnt come back working. After their failed repair, I asked if they would send me another miner and I would send them back their lemon miner. They declined this request. They kept insisting that they fixed the KS3M and that I would need to send it back in again at my own cost. I will be asking for any other form of compensation but I wont hold my breath. Ill let you guys know how that goes. Ill let you know what I am taking from this valuable lesson. DONT BUY ICERIVER BECAUSE THEY ARENT EQUIPPED TO TAKE CARE OF THE US BASED CUSTOMERS. Stick with Bitmain, because there are about a dozen shops around the US approved for Bitmain warranties. Yes they are a little more expensive but better that than miss out on months of mining because of Icreiver’s lack of customer service and expensive shipping when your warranty work isnt going to get completed.
Customer service started to blame it on “environmental” issues. I explained to them that this was at a farm and hooked this rig up to the exact spot that my other KS3M that was hashing was so it couldn’t be due to the environment. Here are the pictures of the dead chips that was sent to me by the US based repair shop. (This was after Iceriver had sent me the miner back from the warranty repair.) It never hashed at all once received.

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Sucks but I’m glad you sent it off to a local repair shop. Out of curiosity, who did you send it to?

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Yeah its been a rough go with Iceriver. I ended up going with a seller on ebay that Mr Mike sent me. I tried finding someone on Zeus but most of the repair shops on there only advertise for Antminer repair. Icerivers are just too new. It was 640 dollars to repair 2 chips on the hashboard. He also said that he was going to solve the overheating problem on one of the boards above. I haven’t got to start the miner up yet because I have to wait until the first of the month for the farm to start it up but we’ll see how good of a job he did. Crazy quick turn around though.

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Hi, I would like to add my experience with iceriver KS3M and their customer service. Almost from the beginning, after receiving the miner in December last year. The miner would overheat and stop working. Eventually the hashrate started to come down, after stopping the miner and reboot, things would go back to “normal”. After couple months of this repeating issue, the miner started to only hash 2/3 of the 6TH. I started the conversation with iceriver customer service to request repairs. They said to do a firmware reinstall, which helped for a few more months to get the hashrate back up, but the over heating remained. I didn’t want to send it all the way back to hongkong for only redoing the thermal paste. Eventually the hosting firm reapplied that. So, now just over the warranty date, my miner started to only mine 1/3 of the hashrate. Again I started the conversation with iceriver, but because of the slow rate of the conversation, a month later and still nothing. I got it so far that I can buy 2 refurbished boards for $650 each and have them send it to the hosting firm. But again after requesting the parts, still I haven’t heard back in more then a week. I have lost A LOT of coins by not mining (days with 0 coins mined, machine is turned off or crashed) and reduced hashrate (first 2/3 now only 1/3). I did asked for some compensation or to swap the machine for another one, but was declined. At this moment, I will not recommend the KS3M to anyone nor their repair service. I am considering this a loss and thinking to buy/host the KS5L instead of buying the refurbished hasboards. But I am reluctant, because of my experience with the quality of the miner and their service.

talk to @TerraHosting about buying a new asic and hosting it there

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Im so sorry to hear that happened to you. My story is so similar. I wish you would have pushed them harder when the problem persisted for the warrant, but I doubt that would have even honored their warranty because they didn’t with me. Here is what I would do. You already know they are a horrible, dishonest company. So why buy another one of their products? Iceriver is 100 percent scamming people. When they sent me back my miner that would not start and had dead chips in it, and then refused to take accountability for their product that was under warranty, Iceriver died in my eyes and I will 100% try to steer everyone away from them. They have a saying on their website that is something like “Iceriver, because everyone deserves to mine affordably.” Acting as if they care about their customers. If they were this compassionate, they would actually honor their warranties. For anyone reading this, ICERIVER IS A SCAM COMPANY THAT WILL NOT HONOR THEIR WARRANTIES. THEIR PRODUCTS ARE HORIBBLE AND ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ONE OVERHEATS. YOU SHOULD AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS.

If you want I can send you the information of the repair shop that I had fix mine Nia. Just let me know. Personally I wont be repairing either of my KS3M’s anymore because the hashrate is going up at to drastic of a rate and their going to be a paperweight in the near future. We have almost gone up 20% of the total hashrate in one week. Its crazy.

Hi CryptoFreak,

Thanks for your replies. Yes, can you send me the repair shop information. I also found this one by coincidence while searching for parts on ebay.

This is the exact guy I used. He initially charges like 450 after tax or something like that, and then if you have dead chips he is charging like 100 bucks a chip. It ended up costing me 650 total.

I just started it up today though and its hashing like a dream.

Sounds fair, but same amount as the refurbished once from iceriver themselves. Was that price per board? I have 2 bad ones.

If you have bad boards that will be different. It was 100 dollars per bad chip. So depending on how many chips are bad it could get costly.