Hi everyone, I’d like to get into immersion mining and am putting a list together of everything I need to get. I already know I’m going with the fog hashing C6 unit. However idk what machines to put in it. Would I be able to put the Goldshell AE box in there? If so what modifications would I need to do to said miners. Any tips and suggestions as to what to put in the C6 would be highly appreciated, thank you in advance.
I havent used Goldshell in a while now, but I used to put fan spoofers on the goldshell control boards and that worked fine, but Im not sure if spoofers work with the newer control boards assuming there are newer control boards. The thing to keep in mind is these miners are different sizes compared to the most common miners put into these immersion systems being the S19/S21 miners, they are normally 400195290 while the AE box you said the specs when I looked online says 443 x 360 x 135mm and from the picture I am looking at looks like the fans are in the case. The S19/21 miners the fans are outside the case and are removed before being put into the immersion tank making them smaller than the specs listed and that makes them barely fit, but the AE box I dont think will get smaller assuming what I am looking at is correct and it might not fit. As well as I think the PSU is separate from the actual miner, but you need to double check all of this.
My advice is to contact Foghash and ask if these miners are compatible if you really want to do immersion with AE boxes. But my opinion is using immersion on machines the size of S21 miners doing only 360 watts each is a complete waste of money. If you could fit the amount of miners in there to reach the rated KW capacity of the immersion tank then thats a different story, but you’ll reach 1/10th of its rated power capacity. Hopefully that will give you a better idea of what to look for
That did help quite a bit. I’m just trying to figure out which way I want to set up a C6 to make it the most profitable. I’ll look into the s19 and s21 now
Easy mate, I’ve been busy so haven’t really kept up with the mining goss but I now see Iceriver have a aleo miner that’s 100 watts for 50mh compared to goldshells 37mh for 360 watts.