iPollo v1 mini 220MH/116W/5.8G ETH+ETC
Price $899
DM for shipping and customs clearance solution.
Promotion code : JMNC (Discount: 1%)
iPollo v1 mini 220MH/116W/5.8G ETH+ETC
Price $899
DM for shipping and customs clearance solution.
Promotion code : JMNC (Discount: 1%)
Why does someone have to dm you for more discounts? Why would someone get a better price because they dm’d you?? Just give the discount you’re going to give or list the final selling price and purchase options. Stop playing stupid games…it’s annoying, raises red flags, seems scammy and fake.
Once ETH goes POS in 15 days they will all be door stops anyway.
You can mine Ethereum Classic with it as well so not a complete loss
Once the hash rate 10x’s+ you will make 1/10th of what you make now so not a good deal even with the low cost electric. If your electric is free your fine but if you have to pay .11-.13 cents like me nope. Simple math what your miner costs to (what your miner hashes per day minus your electric) = your ROI. If hash rate 10x’s+ on ETC after ETH 2.0 you will never make your money back on your miner. This means you will lose money with simple math. Right after merge the prices of these miners will go down 50+% as nobody will want them.
Hey bro, because the price is published by my company and I cannot publish a price with my own discount coupon. What I can tell you is that my discount coupon is equal to 1% and shipping cost will be reduced by my forwarder. You may see its price on website jinglemining.com is around 200 USD and I can ask my forwarder to give me a far lower price. Thanks for your question!
To avoid any possiblity of SCAMMER, You may also visit jinglemining.com with a promotion code JMNC for a 1% discount. Thank you.
Why buy now wait until after the merge these machines will be worthless. You should be giving a 75% discount now a 1% discount is a joke. ETH no longer mineable and ETC is 1/50th the price and the hashrate is ready to go up 200x. Imagine KDA but 200x more reduction in coins mined! No other decent ethash coins to mine. We need a miracle. I still have an iPollo V1 eth mini and trying to sell it if not may have to turn it off after the merge.
Hi. Why don’t you mine ETC after ETH Merge ?
Because everyone else will be and ETC cannot handle the 100x hashrate so the miners will earn 1/10th to 1/100th of what they earn now. These miners will be worthless after the merge unless you have free electric. Do not buy these miners until after the merge! If he is say ETC is gonna be good and I don’t agree. I am saying that with the above example these miners will be paperweights! I sold all my miners I am so happy even with a 2K loss. Do not make the same mistake wait until the dust settles and if it makes sense buy one. I will if it makes sense but don’t risk at these prices they are trying to screw you before the merge!! They know their ETH ETC miners will be worthless after the merge they are trying to screw YOU!!! Remember they do not care if you make money!
iPollo and jasminers are worthless now just like my prediction. Vosk was right too much hash rate went to ETC some hash will fall off but you will still be unable to make money from these miners unless you get them for a few hundred dollars at the most. I don’t think these miners will be produced anymore as no one is going to buy them. I sold all of my miners I am happy to be out for now. Miner manufacturers are crazy with their 5+year ROI price on their miners. People will stop buying and mining will die off since no one will make any money until the next bull run (1 to 2 years out) I will mine again only if I get a deal if not mining will be dead for the little guys.