Is anything profitable using old Asics if you have solar

Is there anything you can mine with older Asics if you have solar power?


Of course, if you have an old asic using 2000 watts and your solar is doing more than 2000 watts then you have a $0 bill, and not that I’ve ever owned one but looking at HiveOS if you overclocked an S9 to 19TH and ran it for 8 hours a day on solar it would take you 187 days to pay it off. No idea how well that will run though, if it will last that long. Good luck with your mining


But let’s say you have limited solar power, like 600 watts, you can run some older goldshell boxes that you can get off eBay for around 75 bucks.

You can get kd box pros as the used market is flooded with them, ck boxes, etc.

Other options could be more profitable ipollo miners, like their v1 series (mini models), but those tend to go for 240 up to 800. But it really depends the model and hashrate.

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if the power is free than any miner is profitable haha. Like everyone else is basically saying, really depends on how much excess energy you have.

During peak hours it’s common to have full batteries but your pannels are outputing max power and this is what you want to take advantage of.

The interesting, and more complicated bit, is adjusting your load to maximize the the consumption of your excess throughout the day. but you can probably get away with manually plugging and unplugging when needed.

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