Is “Futurebit” a reputable site to purchase mining equipment from?

I am new to bitcoin and mining and I have a lot of questions. I believe decentralized currency is the path to our future and I would like to assist in its growth as much as I can. So here we go.

Is “futurebit” a reputable site to purchase mining equipment?

As long as it’s the official site then yes…but depending on your goals it’s not a profitable miner.


Are you saying any miner from “futurebit” isn’t going to be preoritable?


Most likely, but it really depends on your electric rate. For it to be profitable by 1 cent a day, you would need a 4 cent and that’s on low power mode.

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Also if you tell me your electric rate, I can help you find a crypto miner with a low power consumption, and a small profit.

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long term it wont make you money. that being said if you believe in crypto future, running a node is an awesome way to support the cause. at worst you will make pennies a day if the market goes back. but either way its a relatively cheap and helpful way to support bitcoin.


here are some of the best asics you can get profitwise as it stands today with some of the best ROI’s. NFA


@Kenwardoh @badgerlandcrypto @y2kanonomous

For 499.99

For 299.99

For 299.99

(Also for belay mining their are coupons for 25 dollars off)


some quick resources. but please double check everything. there are always scammers in the space.
bt miners easy website trustworthy, a bit pricey. best thing about their website is the earnings section :wink: Miners Profitability – BT-Miners

asicminervalue great for basic asic info and earnings, but a lot of their approved resselers are shitty companies, and some are scammers.

whattimine great info on gpus, but their numbers tend to be off a bit.

vosk has a lot of cool info, but at this point i think there are better newb channels. check out this guys videos for a bit of fun and easy information.


My electric rate is .13 kw/h.
I am using online calculators and with a electricity cost this high it seems to be not that profitable. Im looking into figuring out ways to reduce that cost

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Wow. Thanks. This is a lot of useful resources.



Do you know if you have low and peak electric rate hours?

Also, with the ipollo v1 mini, you can dual mine ethf and zil, you would mine 1.26 a day while only using only .75 cents for electric.

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