Is it worth staying in mining?

Hey, folks. Since mining profitability is currently very low, I’m searching for alternatives. Is there any other way to use my GPUs to earn money? Today my friend suggested I rent my rigs to software developers who need computational power. Do you know any platforms that provide such services? Is profit sufficient to do this stuff, or should I just start selling my rigs😭? Are there any risks?

Thanks for your responses. I’m relatively new to mining. Didn’t know that the ETH merge was coming xD

Should have should before the merge, if you watched any other YouTuber than vosk, They all made 10’s of videos about it.

what are you talking about. vosk mentioned the merge hundreds or thousands of times. and stated that he was even going to gpu mine way less because of it.

unfortunately the market is flooded with gpu’s from general oversaturation, plus miners trying to sell off unprofitable hardware. im not a financial advisor, but there are lots of spec mining being done now. technically its cheaper to just outright buy the coins you wanna speculate on. but if your just mining to sell your hurting the ecosystem anyways and i prefer you just leave. mining is more about growing the small ecosystem of crypto to show not only that money can be made. but also that the people are capable of showing value of our own assets without centralized governments. part of that is putting it back into the ecosystem from mining to holding/staking/or making purchases directly with your crypto. if you want to just make money from crypto and dont actually care about its purpose then i suggest you just buy coins you thing will go to the moon. but like i said i am not a financial advisor and im just some rando on the internet.

You could probably build a really awesome flight simulator, then sell THAT!