Is the Monero Miner V1.0 for real?

I saw this ad on eBay. Monero Miner V1.0 | eBay and just wanted to know if anyone is mining Monero with this miner.

even if it was real, and the monero 10 xed. it would take more than 1 year to roi.

yup, now I understand. thanks

cpu minen. mit mittelklasse handy 300h/s haschrate bei ca ca.1,5W, oberklasse handy 800h/s. minen in deutschland bei den strompreisen unrentabel, auser solar. amd cpu 5700G 5,9k/s bei 50W. ist zu teuer für diese leistung.

Looks like some type of SBC might have a customized preinstalled OS but pretty sure it is just a SBC, like a Raspberry PI, which mine at a negative profit w/o free power. This still doesn’t cover equipment costs and more or less you won’t earn enough even on free power to make back your cost before it becomes too difficult to reasonably mine on free power.