KA3 significantly below initial hashrate

Got a KA3 at a hosting site and it was averaging 166TH for the first two weeks. Now, the average over the past several days has been 144. Is it possible that they’re undervolting my ASIC? How would I know?

This was happening to me too. Go into your settings and just restart the miners. For some reason like three days ago, they cycled down and started hashing at like 140, and was throwing tons of errors. At first I was thought it was just my hardware but if you look at the overall hash rate on F2 pool, it happened to a lot of miners. I have no clue why. I restarted both and they have been hashing at like 167 average with like 0.1% errors. Just curious what pool are you using?

I’m using poolflare. I wish I could restart it on my end but I have to wait for the hosting company to get around to it. Just sent them an email. I appreciate your help!

No problem brotha!! It seems there was another massive decrease in hash for an hour or so yesterday again too. :confused: If you look at the overall history. I don’t know what’s causing it because it’s been pretty consistent the last couple months.

Another question for you, does your hash rate fluctuate A TON every 10 minutes? Like mine can range between 80TH and 250TH and it makes sudden changes every 10 minutes.

Yes, it’s normal for the hash rate to fluctuate greatly. It should stay more consistently in the middle but it will vary greatly at each minute. It may be 80 at times 220 at others but what matters is that overall average stays in that 166 range. Looking at the average on your pool should give you the 24 hour averages and that’s how I track how my miners are performing.

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