Kd box 2 live on goldshell 325 USD


For those of you interested, not going to be profitable pretty soon, but I know people love collecting these boxes, looks like no wifi again like ck box 2

Did a vid on these a few days ago when the specs started leaking, showing profitability/comparisons for those interested NEW KDA Kadena Crypto Miner Goldshell KD Box 2 II Specs! Is It as Efficient as Bitmain Antminer KA3? - YouTube

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Wasted money…


Agreed, and will probably still sell out unfortunately.

yeh its a nice box but sadly with KA3 + ramping difficulty that box is doomed, its however nice heater :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know some people use them for that and the fact that you can place them anywhere around the house easily is a big selling point, that’s why it not having wifi is weird, but they were just probably rushing to get them out ASAP before the KA3 drops.