KS5 fan error + C2 Immersion (first time)

I have a Fog Hashing C2 unit and a Bitmain KS5 pro.

The C2 kit came with fan spoofers which plugged right into the KS5’s main board. I removed all fans and dunked it into the C2 tank.

All systems are green and I could even get the miner to connect to Herominers, but it disconnected just as soon as it connected. I tried various other pools with similar experiences.

The be clear, the miner was working on Herominers for a couple months until I was able to get around to setting up this Fog Hashing unit.

I am wondering if the fan spoofers could be the issue. I connected 2 spoofers in total which had 2 pig tails to connect to 2 of the 4 fan terminals. All 4 fan terminals have spoofers connected in other words. Could it be that I did not connect them correctly?

I just find it odd that the miner’s webpage would show status of Fans, Network, pool, etc. are all green and normal.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I feel like there has to be an easy fix here and I am just new and not executing this correctly…

I am just trying to get my KS5 pro to connect to a pool and get hashing again after immersing it.

BTW, the C2 tank and radiator are all working properly without leaks or electrical issues and are not really involved the software/hardware of the miner itself…

Thanks all!

I helped a guy with fan spoofers on his KS5 and his issues were the new gen spoofers, he fixed it by getting old gen spoofers with the plug adapter and he hasn’t had issues since.

By the way, word on the street is the KS5 doesn’t like immersion because they like to run at 90 degrees, not sure if setting your dry cooler so it runs hotter will help. Cheers

Which spoofers worked? Could you send a link or a picture of what you mean?

[I think you’re referring to these right?]

Roger that on the chip temps. The C2 does have a hot mode, but it might be a bit too high like over 100F.