* LIST * for my friends


First one.

What forms of payment do you take? And what is your typical shipping cost on say two s17s?

so you know what i tell everyone … 17;s arent recommended cuz they shit… but if you want it by al means, maybe youll get one that wont fall apart on ya .
and its 190ea on ship

I had no idea they were poop

I just got the 19 and it’s nice but I have solar so the power consumption isn’t an issue. Any of the other 50th units you recommend?

Used A1066 50T US$2,249
Used A1066PRO 55T US$2,855
Used M21S 50T US$3,240
Used M21S 58T US$3,758

prefer DEFI/crypto/usdt etc. then wire. and soon again cc. select few people

Hey, I’m interested in the KD box and the ck5 any way you want to pm and talk about this?

pmpmpmpm sure thing … whats up … can txt me on cell also 706-394-2332

Do you use an escrow service for payment?