List of legit stores?

Is there a list of legit stores, or places people have purchased from and had good experiences? I know vosk talked about coinminingcentral but any others people use regularly?

Most of main (legit) stores are all sold out. Nov/Dec shipments already sold… :confused:
Take look on Alibaba and search under Verified Supplier And Trade Assurance 100% Protected

We have a scammer page please look at that. There are more scammer sites than legit sites, so please take your time, and keep asking this question. If you could tell us about it.

link…? please

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Alibaba doesnt allow anymore from what i have seen, has anyone tried buying from Im looking at buying from them, they are on alibaba but sell miners through their site, im hoping they are ok so i just buy through them, they said bank transfer or usdt. Anyone have experience with that company?

I can source equipment if anyone needs it.

Actually vendors are still selling for Nov/Dec shipments.
Selling for $22k ish for Nov
Selling $17-$18k for Dec

I’ve ordered two of the new antminer dr5’s from a seller on alibaba and she put the order through trade assurance but broke the invoice down into payments under $5k (trade assurance limit) and put it through as something else due tot he restrictions now and still provided me with an invoice, due to be shipped in the next couple of days, I’ll keep you updated!

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do you mind telling me which vendor this was? i’m looking for a similar experience after the ban.