Looking for an L9 fan spoofer for foghash c2 cooler

Hello, Guys. I am now selling simulators, the works too, and now I am Even Selling the Multicolor display PDU if u want.

I will be prepping my miners here pretty soon to be submerged. I got the electric installed, 4 inch hole in the wall drilled to run the hosing. I also have the fruition spoofers and cables. The miners run fine and the wallets setup. I need to finish installing the dry cooler first and screw the pdus onto the wall. Do you guys wash your miners’ internals with ethenol before dipping them?

Took a while to get my L9s and the Fog Hashing unit set up. I ended up ordering some fan spoofers from https://pivotalpleb.com. If you put a note in the order notes, you can specify that you want the fan spoofing only firmware. I used them on the newest batch of L9s, and they work great. Shipped crazy fast too. Link below.
Njord Cloudline – Pivotal Pleb Tech

I haven’t had the need to clean them as mine were new devices. Did you end up dipping them? Was curious about that.

I just finished prepping the cooling tank, electric, and dry cooler. The miners are setup to mine and function properly. They are new units, so I need to remove the fans and hookup the fan spoofers. Then submerge them in the dielectric fluid. My work has been demanding and taxes are coming. I never done this before so it takes time to learn what has to be done. Do you guys take out the smaller fans? I’ll start looking for videos and guides.

I have the cv1835 control boards and the fan spoofers from fruition. After unhooking the fans and attaching the fan spoofers, do you test it before submerging? Like the heat it generates outside the fluid will not harm the hardware?

How do we plug in the fruition fan spoofers? The power cables cannot be directly plugged in because of the plastic covers over the female power cords. Do we cut the wires and feed them into the fan spoofer chip? Does the fan spoofers get broken down into 4 separate chips?

I’m not familiar with the newer control board models, but do those cables unplug directly from the control board? Surely they aren’t soldered to the board?

Looking at the photo right behind your finger I can see the female plugs, unplug those cables and try

As for the smaller fans, do you mean the fans in the PSU? I’m pretty sure they get unplugged and taken out too. If you go watch vosks video of him submerging you’ll see

The cables plug into the control board. The cables will not directly plug into the fan simulator

Oh yep, the other models the board is a male from memory. Id be contacting fruition about that if they gave you spoofers based on that board model.

Got everything ready but the fan simulators. I sent the questions to fruition.

Haven’t herd back from fruition yet. Are we suppose to break the one simulator into four with a Dremel or snapping one board into four?

Fruition responded that the 4 chips are made by snapping them off one at a time.

Guys please help!!! I ordered fan spoofers from ASIC Fan Spoofers Simulators — Antminer S19, S21, L9, IceRiver AL3, KS – Nakamoto Mining LTD.

I ended up ordering two because i thought first one was dead. But i have multiable l9s with diff firmware dates oem antminer firmware that is and cant get then to work on any of the l9s they all show fan speed fan 1 speed…0 fan 2 no speed 3 fan bo speed 4 fan no speed error. I have a njord board as well but i find it doesnt cool enough as my intake temps are 52 to 55 and output temps are 85 with njord board and ac infinity 8 " duct. Someone please help me??? Someone mentioned above about a email to reqwest firmware for fan spoofer only firmware??? Can u explain that more. Can i use the njord board just for spoofing and manualy control fan??? I need help please thank you im loosing sleep over this

What do you mean fan spoofing only software/firmware?? im lost heere i have newer l9s that i cant get any fan spoofer to work. I got the njord board working great but not happy with the auto cooling routine. I want to run the fan manually anyway to make the njord boars act just as spoofers?

They sell fan spoofers?? I dont see them i see they sell njord boards

I’m not sure you can update the firmware on the spoofer at your house, you would need a debug probe, and they would have to send you the binaries. Unless you’re an Electrical Engineer that will probably be a bigger task than you want to take on. I have been trying to reach out to the guys at pivotalpleb and have got no response in over a week. I’ll be also looking at Fruition for new fan spoofers as I have 3 miners on the way and need to get them in my C6.
Sorry, not a lot of help, the card that came with the njord says if you have no jumpers connected to the pins, the fans should ramp to 100% as needed.

Miners are ready to be submerged. Can I turn them on outside the fluid to see if the fan rpms are above 0? I don’t want to submerge them if the spoofers don’t work. But I also don’t want to cause heat damage to the circuits with no fans or fluid.

Miners are working and hashing. They are running between 14 and 17 ghz each. I’m concerned about f2pool stealing hash rate though. In f2pool my hash rate is between 8 and 10 ghz each. I have passwords on everything though.

One of the miners started flashing an abnormal light. I shut down the miners. Any idea why that would happen?

Turned them off and back on. Both read normal again. Temperature looks good. Should I be concerned with the abnormal light?

The abnormal light comes back on the miner after 5 min or so. The miners is still hashing, network status normal, fan speed normal, miner temp normal. Someone said to try a different mining pool?

oh i thought u said they could send me it. i decided to go manual cooling as the njord board results are not even cloe to what i expected the fan never goes over 1/3 its capabality and the outlet temps are way to high for running aftermarket firmare. im being impaitent because i have vnish getting me software in next couple weeks. but till then i dono

where did you get fan spoofers and is it an l9???