Match X M2 pro miner opinions

Hey, sorry if this has already been asked, but I just got done reading a Reddit post (I know) about the M2 pro miner and I cancelled the order for my second one lol

I have one on the way, TODAY. Is it worth keeping with everything going on? I’m in a rural area and recall hearing that it’s more profitable in a city center. My partner has 2 and lives in London. We figure it’s more profitable for him to keep his.

What do you guys think about the miners and the whole BTC, DOT, locking, changed about spacing them out, etc…?

Granted, this is only my opinion, but I believe the MXC project to be a worthwhile one. The token keeps appreciating in value and, more importantly, the project continues its expansion. Some say that the BTC “mining” is a gimmick, but the project makes it clear that it’s only a test to see how things go. An interesting read about how they’re getting it to work if you’re into that kind of stuff. Some also compare it to Helium, but they’re not that similar. The M2 Pro (the hardware) is far more sophisticated in its technology, is weatherproof (I have both of mine outdoors) and unlike other projects, didn’t halve earnings potential. As for projects, MXC is addressing needs of a specific subset of users almost all of whom are industrial at this stage. That being said, I do think there’s space for both Helium and MXC to do well both for the projects and for investors.

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Thank you for your input it appreciate it!

No worries. Best of luck to you.