Mini doge trouble

I’m very new to mining. I bought a mini doge and have watched so many videos on how to hook it up. But still it lies useless. I’m not very tech savy so I need help with what some of the verbage in the videos mean etc. Is there someone I could call to help me get this online without making me feel like more of an idiot than I already do. Voskoin is my favorite place to get info but this has me absolutely stumped. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you

Have you gone to the site? Or used an IP Scanner on your home network? The Goldshell basic tutorial points you to their site to find the MiniDoge on your local network.

I have recently noticed that I have to go to their find website and hit the IP button on the back of the miner to get the current IP.

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Look up my old cbd store’s Facebook page royal Rasta lion. Send me a msg I’m happy to walk people through how I earn and setup my miners. Advance ip scanner, f2pool and their app is what I use. Good luck!!