Hello all - been into bitcoin for a long time but never did any mining. I’ve been doing a lot of research and found vosk videos to be very good, which is what led me here in the first place.
Anyway - I’m looking at buying my first rig and I’m a little torn between 2 of them.
s19 pro - $9130, 110ths / 3250w
pros: available right now, lower price
s19 xp - $11,620, 140ths / 3010w
pros: not available yet, more efficient & profitable
I don’t know how long the wait might be to be able to purchase a single s19 xp but it seems like a much more profitable rig. Do y’all think it’s worth waiting for? I have no idea how long the wait might be.
I’m also very interested in the s19 hyd but even if you could by a single one I don’t know if you can use that without the HK3 AntSpace system. It’s probably just too advanced for a newb. I haven’t seen any videos of people setting this up at home without an HK3 system.
I plan on running this in my garage fwiw. Any advice is appreciated.