Moonlander 2 problema

I recently purchased a futurebit moonlander 2 but when I try to launch bfg miner with all my pool settings crooect it comes up with this weird error that supposedly this “” should fix but I cant find where to apply the fix

Hello J_P1 , so did you start at .

So before we get to far into it. Do you mine with other miners or is this your 1 ? I ask that to understand your proficiency when setting up miners.

These little sticks are kind of old school so you need to understand all the in’s/out’s of it. Being that there are many steps to setup, I suggest you re-read and follow the directions to the T.

So you must install the drivers, use the recommended drivers they give, do not let windows auto-suggest or anything.

Do you know how to set up the " .bat " file ? And what mining pool are you using? Are you mining Litecoin or another Scrypt Coin?

The type of coin you mine, doesn’t matter too much, Scrypt is Scrypt . The pool you use, will determine how you set up your .Bat file . Some pools are anonymous and you only enter a Wallet address (into the .Bat file) others require a email and bank/store your crypto until you cash out by entering your details into the website/user settings.

So lets assume you know exactly the Scrypt Coin you are mining. You have a wallet for that coin, either hosted on your phone, computer or on an exchange. Lets also assume you have installed the correct drivers that Moonlander recommends and supplies.

So now, you’d have your wallet address, Drivers installed and a BFG_miner_5.4.2 miner program.

Start_Moonlander2 << That is your .bat file. [(You might need to edit your Windows options to “allow show file extensions” and "edit file extensions)

So open the Start_Moonlander2.bat file to edit it. This is where you enter your connection info/settings- Pool info, Wallet Address, Difficulty settings, User/Miner Name (you might mine 5 miners on 1 pool, so they have different names) . Once entered Save and Close this file.

If your information was entered into Start_moonlander2 , you only need to double click on the .bat to start running your miner.

Because .bat files are pretty confusing, I’m going to write one right now so you can see the proposed text I would use.

***source data from the website/pool I use …
**********server: stratum+tcp://
username: walletadresseter555.kadi1
password: c=DGB,zap=DGB-Scrypt ************

bfgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u walletadresseter555.kadi1 -p c=DGB,zap=DGB-Scrypt -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=600

That is it. I save that into my Start_Moonlander2.bat file. Plug in the Moonlander2 , then click the Start_Moonlander2.bat file to run the miner.

The miner can be monitored on the Command Prompt window or on the Website you’re mining on.

Another issue. you asked “where to apply the fix” , I am going to use " bold " to mark the start and end of the code section you enter fix codes into. You add a space between each command/fix but keep the spacing before and after that section correct. (Some miners also require a " , " along with a space, often dictated by the pools. For me, on Zpool, they require a " , " between extra codes, followed No space)

bfgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u walletadresseter555.kadi1 -p c=DGB,zap=DGB-Scrypt -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=600

Before you start trying to apply code fixes. try some physical options. Is your USB 2.0 or 3.0 ? (Moonlander uses both, but recommends 3.0 for extra power)
Is your Moonlander file on a USB or Desktop (I’ve found USB miners often conflict when running programs via USB drive/stick) So put the folder on your desktop.
Or as dumb as this sounds, try it, just move your USB’s around. My miner has less issues on a specific USB port (I don’t know why, but it just works better)

All of the fixes you might want and the info to go with them are in your folder under the files
README.scrypt.txt and
the other readme files

Now some deep thought/convo about Moonlander style and USB miners. USB miners were prime time in 2016 BTC halving cycle. Moonlander2 is a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gen.
Most USB miners today, will never ROI or profit. They are just too old. They are at the point that they have crossed into diminishing returns while mining, meaning the requirements are greater than the miner can do. So if 30GH is the spec normal, today it might only get up to 16GH , or something like that.
They are not void though. Smaller projects work great, larger coins/pools like LTC … not a chance.
If you find a smaller project running Scrypt Algorithm, you can easily run profitable daily … but those projects are not easy to find, it takes some crafty hunting. Before I start pitching idea’s , lets see if you return to Vosktalk and join the community or if you just made 1 post and …

We’ll see, Cheers Mate. Hope you get up and mining ASAP and dive on in.


Where did you end up picking up a Moonlander 2?