More Mining Profits and More Electricity

I am earning more mining profits, and I am adding more electricity to my mining farm. I just hooked-up another Bitman Antminer L9, the new 16.5 gh/s Dogecoin miner for more mining profitability, and I am adding another 600 amps to install more miners for more passive income! Subscribe to VoskCoin -

200 amp meter by drok - DROK Volt Amp Meter, AC 500V 200A Digital Voltmeter Ammeter Panel, 0.39 Inches LED 2in1 Multimeter, 2-Wire Voltage Amperage Tester Gauge with Current Transformer : Automotive
Buy the Bitmain Antminer L9 here from CMC! BITMAIN Antminer L9 Dogecoin Miner | Coin Mining Central
Buy the Bitaxe Nerdminers here -
Merge Mine LTC + Other Coins with OkMiner - Okminer, mining pool, ASIC, GPU, BTC, BCH, LTC, DOGE, ETC, RVN, ERG, CFX, KAS, ALPH, ZIL)
Check out mining profitability with MiningNow - Discover Asic Miner Profitability in Real-Time | Mining Now

Bitcoin and Dogecoin mining continue to be the most profitable coins to mine, do you think BTC and DOGE will stay as the highest mining profitability cryptocurrencies through all of 2025?

:alarm_clock: Timestamps :alarm_clock:
00:00 New crypto miner on the VoskCoin farm!
01:38 Antminer L9 unboxing & pricing
05:32 New Amp meters & current electricity usage
08:16 Installing the Antminer L9
10:04 Setting up the Antminer L9 and mining pools
13:33 Antminer L9 profitability update
17:25 Help build the VoskCoin mining farm!00:00 New crypto miner on the VoskCoin farm!
01:38 Antminer L9 unboxing & pricing
05:32 New Amp meters & current electricity usage
08:16 Installing the Antminer L9
10:04 Setting up the Antminer L9 and mining pools
13:33 Antminer L9 profitability update
17:25 Help build the VoskCoin mining farm!

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VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
More Mining Profits and More Electricity