Most efficient asic miner with fastest roi for 2020

Hello fellow miners.

I currently have 8 S17 73TH/S and im looking to expand further.
my electricity cost 0.055 usd kwh.

Im just thinking which miners to get next when im expanding.
I find it tricky to balance the risk vs the reward.

If you were in my shoes, which miner would you buy for BTC mining ?

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I think i’d take the profits the miners generate and buy solar panels to power them and get even more profit and then buy whatever miner is cheap at the moment because you don’t have to care about power consumption

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i don’t know man. Solar is a scam imo. It’ll take over 5 years, probably 10 to roi on them. Then with diminishing efficiency over time, you’ll need to replace them and repeat the cycyle. 5.5 cents is a great rate, more miners would be best. Sorry Broddeus, i don’t know which miner you should get



May I ask you where in the US you get that rate? Is that residential or commercial? I live in the UK and for us it is impossible to find prices like that.
