Need advise on buying a watercooled asic miner

Greetings. newbie here. coming from youtube and was impressed by the videos and content. i want to join the world of crypto mining. my family has semi major solar panel farm with more then i would ever need as a private person in terms of electricity ( they produce about 2megawatts ) so i run a gpu mining rig from a shed i have built with proper cooling and all. and i want to expand. so i was looking for 2 asic miners that cought my eye please provide any details that could help me make a decision. i have budget of 5-6k USD . and i am probably looking to get one of those :

Bitmain Antminer S19 XP Hyd (255Th) profitability | ASIC Miner Value - what is the most non industrial solution i can use to be able to make it work in a mining shed.

i would need a radiator to cool it. the one i found that will answer my needs is this one :
Lianli ASIC water cooling row HOME mining Liquid cooling system mining heating-Dongguan LIANLI Electronic Technology Co., Ltd (
would love feedback if its applicable for a home miner. not industrial level. i have sufficient cooling in the shed and a hot airduct so i believe if im not missing anything i could run this ?

the second option is this one :
MicroBT Whatsminer M53 profitability | ASIC Miner Value

i havent found a decent and cheap solution to cool it. will a regular server rack with a good ac on will do? or do i need one of those oil immersion tanks for it. and if yes whats the option for a home miner.

i hope to become part of this community. best regards. :slight_smile:

I’m not real familiar with the hydro series but I do know they require 3 phase power. I’m sure it there if you’re on an industrial solar farm, but it may not be ran to your shed.

One thing I do not know, is if the power supply is built into the miner or if the cable connection is for the low voltage supplied by a separate power supply.

You may want to consider converting an air cooled miner into water cooled. Check out They have kits there.

I have a 4.5kw Lianli and it works great. You would need a at least an 8kw one for running a 255th hydro miner and I’d probably talk to who ever you buy it from about what is best suited.

Lianli is advertised as something you could just stick in your living room and not know is there which is bullshit. It’s quiet compared to a traditional asic but its something you’d put in your garage and not hear until
You go into your garage. There are ways to make it quieter and when I build it I’ll post it up here.

I know @Rasmus_Bang_Pedersen is getting a Bitmain hydro miner hopefully he can provide more insight for you