New to Mining, Help needed!

Like I said before, I know nothing about GPU mining but I was under the assumption you can no longer mine BTC with a GPU rig. I guess you learn something every day

You most definitely can mine BTC with a variety, whether it’s GPU Mining, Gaming PC or Gaming Laptop.

There is a few BTC mining softwares still today.

I personally mine via NiceHash.

I think the bigger question is if mining BTC via gpu’s is still profitable?

A massive YES to that question! Just depends on the GPU’s you buy!!

You can’t run the Sha256 algorithm profitably on GPU’s, I don’t need to come up with a calculation to show how many gpus you’d need running to get to 110TH to say that it would be alot of them. just because you use nicehash and get paid in bitcoin doesn’t mean your mining it. You’re selling your hashrate and getting paid in BTC. You are not mining it. The software(s) your speaking of mines on other algorithms and makes payouts in BTC.

I mine primarily with RTX 3090 GPU’s but have been looking at an ASIC Mini Doge miner. My electricity rate is 12 cents per Kw and have not been able to see a sub 2 year ROI for that Mini. Those of you who are currently mining Doge with a Mini miner, please post your profitability. Given the massive increase in price for this ASIC, I don’t see the return in any reasonable time frame.

In general cheap asics like the mini doge were never meant to be a great investment, they’re meant as an entry level miner for those who don’t have $10,000+ to spend on miners. Unfortunately if you’re looking for better ROI, you’ll have to come up with more money. Hate to be the Debby downer here.

They will be releasing another batch at Goldshell this month. If you can get one the price is 699 (799 with PSU). They seem to be making about $3 a day right now. Your ROI would be 8-9 months. Buying from these other sites or EBay isn’t recommended IMO as it doubles the ROI.

I picked a BOSMINER from MiningCrate $800 not bad, was dirty and has bad hashing board but he is mailing that out today, no issues other than used equipment.