Noob needs help / thanks in advance

Hello everyone, nice to be here. I’ve got
3 zotac b150s otw, (on the way)

a 1200w platinum supernova p2 otw,

1x 7 gpu frame otw

USB 3.0 Riser PCI-E 6Pin GPU Extender Card Adapter Cable for Mining 5 pack - otw

New intel celeron 6/7 gen & fan -otw
1 brand new rx570 8gb otw ($145 shipped)

P.S. - I got the supernova with all the cables in a package.

What kind of usb drive do you use? 2.0 3.0? What size do you need to run hive OS or other software with? I can get 3 usb 3.0 64gb flash drives for fairly cheap new.

Most importantly, what kind of ddr4 2400 ram do I need? I’m asking specifically about the pin count, does any pin count work, or do I need 288 or does anyone know what specific pin count I need for a zotac b150?

-Edit- is my eth coin safe as is on hive OS/ paper wallet? (I haven’t made any yet, 100% noob)
Is a VPN network highly recommended for the safety of all devices connected to the internet in the house? (My router said on the box I could use a VPN with it, never set one up but should be able to)

Does using a VPN network affect the performance of the system transfering/ sending as a whole? [Would I get worse hash rates at the cost of protecting all the devices at our house?]

Am I even allowed to use a VPN to mine with? XD

I’ll have many more questions in the future, thank you all in advance.

I have 1 8gb stick 2400 288 pin otw and 2 flash drives for $15 vs $20 for 1 ssd lol
I’ll post pics when it gets here/ build it.
Can I run the 6 pin rizers with sata ports on the power supply?

Hopefully I can find a write up or a YouTube video on how to make / set up a power switch xD
Also I have another rx570 8gb otw, and I went ahead and baught a 2nd frame and 2nd heat sink. To hopefully stay a little head for each board as they go online. I plan on buying more gpu’s as fast as I can around the $140-150 price range.

Alright, so, I canceled my order for the 1200w p2.
Have a 1600w supernova p2 otw. Probably fairly overkill for 7 x 570’s per board. But that’s alright, when they factory reset it’ll be fine.
I do plan on using HIVE OS.
1600w p2 has 9 gpu plugs, vs the 1200w only had 6… good thing I caught it before it shipped here. Good thing about going this route now I think is when I upgrade from 570 I’ll be set for the power hopefully lol.

I would recommend using an SSD for HiveOS. I started with USB drives but had issues with it not recognizing the USB sometimes and just booting into the BIOS. If I removed the USB drive and put it back in, everything was fine again. That is a pain in the ass when your rigs are remote. I switched to some $18 SSDs and now have no issues booting back into HiveOS after a crash or hard reboot.

The longer I use HiveOS, the more I miss Windows. I only switched because I wanted to go up to 13 GPUS on a couple rigs. It is less stable than Windows at the same memory clocks and so far I am not impressed. It may be fine for Polaris cards but Navi cards have been a challenge to get the same performance and stability as Windows.

I’m building my system with the idea of farming sooner then later, I appreciate your input, and I’ll still use the usbs for now at least.

move on minerstat im runing h110 pentum 4gb ram 16gb 12x 580 from usd and from ssd no problem at all ring stable plus i get more mhs compare to windows 31.1mhs msiafterburner core voltage -100 core 1180 mem 2180 minerstat 32.2mhs without overclocking just dropped core voltage 868 core 1180 mem 2180

with 570 you get similar mhs as my 580 on minerstat os need usb stick 16gb or 32-64gb ssd. recommended ssd as on usb stick you have high latency if you doing monitoring screen. login to miner vea ip address write mstart and you see your miner actual screen in case your gpu fail or something happened you not need monitor to see or all gpu mining

Sounds like SSD is the move, I’ll definitely get 1.
I’m waiting for my power supply and 3 rx570s to show up. And ram.