Hi there,
Hugely excited to join the community - hi from the UK
I have followed the guide in setting up the following…
MyEnergiWallet - created Keystore file, deposited a small amount of NRG to test.
Created a Droplet in Digital Ocean (Ubuntu 20.04 which I’m now not sure is the correct ver)
Ran the Terminal scripts from my MacBook and ran into problems running the following script
nano /home/nrgstaker/.energicore3/keystore/ UTC–2020-11-06T01-20-42.303Z–b504122fa384e5f5167dac6646994b5a45636a3d_yt. (I did use my own Keystore file name).
I’m now not able to recreate the error which was “Pattern not found (Press Return)” and I now get the following message when I log into my Digital Ocean Terminal
I would massively appreciate some help or guidance if that is possible.
Much appreciated.