Power Hardware/Setup

Hello, my name is Trey Hiers. I’ve been Mining since late 2020 with GPU’s on 120V. About to upgrade to 240V finally. Any recommendations of cheaper brands of PSU with L630-P?

Considering the amount of current drawn, I would never go cheap where psu’s are concerned. I think a lot of us stick with Triplite for a good reason. You’re talking about drawing 30amps which is a lot of current. Then consider the investment you’ve made on your mining kit and also if this is in your property. You simply have a lot to lose if it ever went up in flames, including possible loss of life. This is how I have looked upon power issues in my place in the UK.


I remember Vosk talking about some GREAT PSU’s for about $100 from another company. It was 6-7 videos ago, I just can’t remember the name. He said they are about $100, shipping included. Wish I could remember who he said. He said that he has been using those now, instead of Tripp-Lite. He said it has a tiny meter screen on it also. Still going to install The Meter Box, but that’s awesome. Ring any bells about what I’m talking about, by chance sir?

240v Power Supply Units? This might be what you are looking for Shop – Altair Technology – Bitcoin Mining Solutions