Problems with humidity on air mining

I have something about 80% ~ 90% of humidity on my cripto farm.
In some case I see some water on the asics fan, someone here knows what i can do to for the water dont into at room?

Hey mate, do you have good air intake and exhaust fans? A hot/cold side? Do you live in a country that has high humidity like south east Asia region? If you have good air intake and exhausts with a hot/cold side then you’d want immersion, I don’t even think water cooling plates would fix that, but work on the other stuff first, cheers

Thats rough, you can get dehumidifers but essentially those are like heaters so they might help you in the winter and might not cause your miners to overheat but I would watch them closely when you first implement new changes. In the summer they probably wouldnt be wise unless you live in a climate where its a nice 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit year round.
Another option you could do is do submersion. It costs ALOT to implement but once they get dunked most miners do good, unless you have alot of Iceriver most people have not had a good experience doing that.
What are you running? Mine are pretty susceptible to failure because of humidity too.

hey, yes I have a good intake and exhaust fans, the airflow is to high, and i have filters too.
I live in brazil. in here all stuffs to going by the watercooling systems and imersion It is very expensive and makes mining unfeasible.

the airflow is to high to use dehumidifers, and another method instead of air is unfeasible

The only other thing I would suggest I think would be to find a new location for your miners. There are crypto farms all around the world. I would find someone with good reviews and a decent rate and keep them where they are going to run efficiently and not burn out due to humidity.

thank u man

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