Ran into a problem with CRYPTO.com

Years ago I had a neighbor who stole my mail. I went through his garbage and sent his SS#, his license#, and a slew of other account #s to a bill collector with copies of all the past due bills he owed. I heard him screaming on the phone 3 days later. Related? Maybe. But giving all that info to a digi company makes me queasy. For 50 bucks?

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No, not for $50! But for with many others benefits one is 20% in staking reward

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You have to update your knowledge. All the cards are working again!And no, crypto.com is not responsible for Wirecard’s ethical decay.

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Does anyone know why they won’t do business in North Carolina? They won’t give me a direct answer. Thank you.

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That info is required for a broker to legally operate in the us due to money laundering. Its probably more concerning if they dont ask for it because its a red flag they are being shady.


Yes it’s exactly that, if they don’t basically KYC (Know Your Customer) you by requesting this information they’re not allowed to deal with you. If there’s anyone you should be upset with, it’s the USA and the “patriot act”, which is rather ironic.

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Having major issues with Crypto.com lately. The first came when i transferred $700.00 to my debit card to pay some bills. When i tried to pay my power bill, which was $294.00, it was declined by the issuer. Seriously? It allowed me to pay all the other ones, but not my power one. Totally pissed.

Second came when i wanted to transfer some Chainlink from my separate Crypto.com Wallet, in anticipation of a $20 sell. They offered a lightning action and a normal (30 minute) speed action, for a little bit less fee. It has been sitting as pending for over 12 hours now. When i look at the reason, it suggests increasing how much ETH (gas price) i am offering for the move. WTF? Now i have to “bid” just to move from a crypto.com wallet to the crypto.com platform? I don’t get it. Crypto.com is the one controlling the fees on this.

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So ETH tx fees are skyrocketed and the network is sluggish as ever

the crypto wallet app youre using is separate from their crypto platform app you’re trying to transfer to-- its no different than going from coinbase or exodus to their crypto platform app in this case – they just happened to make both.

No idea on the card decline :man_shrugging:

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Its now 22 hours since i went to withdraw out of my wallet to Crypto.com. This is not correct. I sent in 2 tickets but no response of course

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idk, helped a new user last night deposit their ETH (Exodus to CryptoCom app), start to finish was less than 30 minutes

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LOL, finally got my withdrawal done… after LINK dropped $2 from its all time high. So Pissed.

Scratch that. I was looking at it wrong. Still hasn’t gone through. However, my messages asking for help up and disappeared. These are the sort of things that start flashing warning signs to stay away. Just sayin

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Well, 36 hours and counting. No more responses from Support. Can’t cancel the request, so is my money gone now?

Up to 52 hours now.

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Welp, after a long go around with support, i believe that i have found the issue and solution. We shall see.

Apparently when moving any crypto around, it goes into a que and depending on the gas rate (fees), it may or may not get fulfilled. Basically you have to bid for someone to confirm your order. Stupid B.S. I used the Crypto.com withdrawal set fee and then the prices went up and so my order never got processed. Sucky part? If will just sit there until it falls into a range someone wants to mine it for. Theoretically, my order could never get filled, EVER. and there is only One real way to fix it.

I’m done with Crypto.com. My withdrawal went through at almost EXACTLY 72 hours. The fee was set at .009 ETH at the time i placed the order. When it was completed, i got charged 3 different fees that totaled .0756 ETH. That’s almost $40 to move it from my wallet to the exchange. It didn’t even cost me $40 to buy it. Ridiculous.