Remote restart for asic / goldshell

I have 2 KD boxes and a mini doge on the way. Never fails after 2 or 3 days when i get to work they shut down and I loose profit for many hours. Will a smart plug work and is it safe? Or can I use something like NOIP to log in to my home ip remotely and get into goldshell/my miners that way? Any help is appreciated.

I use googles remote desktop to access my asic miners remotely. All you need is a laptop, desktop or tablet that is connected to your network. Then you can remotely access it from your smart phone or another P.C.

Perfect. Thank you very much.

Try updating the firmware of your miners. I had the same issue with my mini doge staying on but no longer mining. It happened every 3 days like clockwork, then I updated and it’s been 2 weeks since running with no issues.

Currently running 2.0.9 (what both boxes cam with). Are you talking about upgrading to an older version?

I was having the same problem with my mini doge running on 2.0.3

So I downgraded to 2.0.2 and its been running as smooth as a swiss watch for 30 days non stop, and counting…
