Restart script for miners

Every couple of days I’ll get a Dead GPU error … happens on any of my miners, which are all Team Red versions, ETH, Kawpow or Nimiq…how would you go about telling the miner to reboot machine (win10) and restarting miner? I’ve no experience at all writing bat files but no issue with trying …any ideas? All AMD cards …Thank you

Just saw a video with these instructions to edit bat file to restart…anyone use something like this?

Above main script line(that has pool , wallet address etc) add
Then below main line start new line
timeout 5
Add line below that
go-to START

To test it start miner and hit Control C
When prompted to terminate? Hit N enter
Should do a 5 second timeout then restart miner

Gonna try it when I get home, will let you know if it works

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Here’s a file called reboot.bat, just copy the contents into your batch file…

shutdown /r /t 10 /f

rem Çäåñü:
rem - r - ïåðåçàãðóçèòü êîìïüþòåð;
rem - t 10 - òàéìàóò çàâåðøåíèÿ ðàáîòû 10 ñåêóíä;
rem - f - ïðèíóäèòåëüíî çàâåðøèòü ïðîãðàììû áåç ïðåäóïðåæäåíèÿ.

What kind of characters are those? I don’t get it

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Those are Control Characters … the ones below Hex 30 on the ASCii table. They are hardware commands. Note they are commented out and the (rem) needs to be removed for them to work.
Did you know there is a Cold Boot and a Warm Boot? The cold boot is like a power off boot while the warm boot is like a reset. Each starts booting at a different address in BIOS with the warm boot skipping many of the resets.

I couldn’t attach the file reboot.bat here due to type of file, but you can find it included in the Claymore 15.0 Ethermine software.

Gotcha!! Thank you much appreciated I’ll check it out👍

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