Rewards after staking 10,000 CRO?

Hi, I’m just confused on how rewards on staking CRO being calculated. I got my first reward, but my math seems to be off to the reward I received. Hopefully, somebody can clarify me with the staking reward… I’m basically staking 10,000 CRO on 16% p.a. for 6 months. I calculated that I’m suppose to receive 33.3333 CRO per week, but I only got 26.2295 CRO. Is my math wrong, lol. Please hit me up if you have any input. Thanks

I had the same thing as what you did when I stacked my cro 30 days ago the only thing I can work out is that the point you place your cro say at 0.13 if it falls below your stacking price you won’t gain anything So anything above is what you gain

I could be wrong see if anyone else can shed light on this but that’s what I have kind of worked out

the stake you are referring too unlocks the card, and the benefits that come with that tier of the card. It also unlocks the earn benefits and this is not a returning stake. So it IS not the same stake you are thinking of. One stake is the 180 day stake for the card, and the other stake is done through the Earn section for a returning benefit in maximum time lapses of 90 days.