RX5700XT rig stability

lol remember I said we might have to bump up VDD to 850 or 900? don’t mess with it yet.

let’s try to set the core now

the core works at 1800 right now, you think i should put it down?

try 1300 and let’s see what happens now

them still goes at 1300 with average 48mh/s

Okay so we went too low let’s try 1400

I were running them at 1370 before, with average 51Mh/s, 1400 it gives that result
perhaps is vdd the cause of incorrect shares?

That is what I am starting to think I think it was too low and your GPU need a little more power

I’m thinking that its your connection. You said you were running LTE? as in a phone connection? Those connections pulse at times and could affect things.

yes correct, mobile connection LTE

I can try that, maybe bumping it to 900 for 24 hours
thats current situation

135W isn’t that high :thinking:

I think PT may have a point about your connection. Try super conservative settings. If you still have the problem, it is likely your connection. That doesn’t necessarily explain the performance issues, just the incorrect shares. There is definitely something else wrong. They should be hashing faster. Were these GPUs new? If not, maybe the previous owner messed with the vbios.

No them aren’t new, I purchased them used.
How do I know if their bios is compromised?

In Windows I would use GPU-Z and save a copy then open it in More Power Tool and compare all the settings to stock. Or you could just download and flash the factory vbios. If you are already taking the risk of flashing, you may as well change the memory timing while your at it and get those hashrates up.

well i guess its a no for that config
after 6 hours thats how i found it

I made the screen after I changed the values, them were all 1400 core and 930 mem

then i changed config, and thats the result again after 6 hours

I’m really confused

I mean… this is totally a shit history

Compared to when I had 1370core 800vdd and 930mem is totally shit

Must admit, I’m a bit confused as 1350/900 is a safe starting point for that card, have you checked if there is a later version of hiveos or even a beta available as this was what I ran into on raveos? Im running 1350/920 on a non-XT card with a stock bios right out of the box without issue so your on the right path with your core/mem settings. Have you tried another OS such as RaveOS (perhaps just to test)?

One thing you might want to check is that the cards are firmly in the risers and that the power connections are solidly in :smiley: I had an issue where a GPU had loosened in a riser enough that it would randomly fail :confused:

try switching pools i use before eu pool time to time missing share like in 1000 20-40shares move to asian pool no more reject shares, also check you internet ping,maybe ping is to high and second sertch closer pool fallow your location, if you have long time your rig i recomend replace usb cables if it very old cables also can rejecting

also reject shares can be from your usb stick if stick have low read and write speed basically shut use ssd for mining os not just for windows

from my location till closed eu pool ping is drop before was over 300