Seeking Advice on Power Cord for New S21 Miner


I recently orderd a new S21 ASIC and I’m planning the setup my first mining rig. I’m aware of the importance of selecting the right power cord. Given that the miner has a power consumption of 3500W, I’m looking to understand what type of power cord would best suit my setup.
Are there any particular brands or specifications I should look for in a power cord?
Since I’m based in Sweden, could you also recommend where I might find a suitable power cord?
Have tried customer support, but there is a great deal of misunderstanding, since none of us speak English as first language…


What I have written here, works in the USA, not sure of differences in Sweden.

Seems to me the only thing you would need to worry about is what the PDU, if you decide to get one, plugs into…show that plug to your Electrician, they will know what to do. Also you could ask the people at Altair, they may have done business with someone in Sweden already.

The PDU will show you the wattage that you are pulling, assuming it works in Sweden.

It will come with a power cord, these are single power cords, not the double of the S19s…I just purchased a PDU, link below, from Altair and it will plug into that. Remember, this plugs in to the PDU, the PDU plugs into your electrical outlet.

Now that I think about it, I did need a special cable for my S21, also from Altair. You plug one cable into the Miner cable and the other. for me went into the PDU.

For me the issue was the <a href=“ ATP1M Metered PDU, 30A, 1U, 240V, 7500W, L6-30P Plug – Altair Technology – Bitcoin Mining Solutions” alt" ATP1M Metered PDU, 30A, 1U, 240V, 7500W, L6-30P Plug">Altair PDU, It needed a special 200 - 240 plug. I let my Electrician handle the “PDU’s L6-30P Plug” plug, just showed it to him.

If you are not going to use a PDU from Altair, then you will have to get a cable to plug in the cable that comes with the miner…this cable will plug into the miner’s cable and your Electrical service plug.

Here in the states, we used PDUs more to see the Wattage that the device is pulling then extra protection from electrical surges…if a qualified electrician puts in a new Electrical Service, which gives you cheaper Electricity then what your house uses, the panel has surge protection built into it.

Your Miner software will show you the wattage, many of us just like to see that digital read-out.

Another option for a digital readout, is the MeterBox, a bit more expensive, by the time you include both the box and the components which you will need...just make sure this plug type will work in Sweden.

The Meter box is just the box, you will need the correct components, component kit. Recommend that before you purchase you make sure that the plug is compatible with your 200 - 240 Amp circuits also. Just show the install instructions from the Meter Box website, once I showed them to my electrician, he was fine with wiring it up. To be honest, the instructions were so simple, I could wire it up and I am no electrician.

A C19 to L6-30p adapter cords, just search on Amazon. Make sure it will handle the load…the one from Altair is tested up to 4800 Watts…and is cheaper than most of those on Amazon.

Recommend that you wait until you have the PDU or cord that you are going to use and show it to your electrician, they can get the correct plug for you, weather a L6-30p or whatever, easier than sourcing yourself. If you want to see the plugs, VoskCoin has videos just go watch it. Easy peasy.

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