SocialGood project

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Refer & earn 100$ for each person !

I’m giving 2 thumbs down to anything that looks like it was written by the UN


Hasn’t there been multiple post on here about how this platform is run very scammy? I think issues with not letting people withdraw their funds and/or issues with withdraw caps.


Yes, the post is here:

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I might think that ecosystem crashed itself from 5$ to 0.02$ … we are 2.5x from bottom … this is one of my best reasons to believe in SG as a crypto-asset to get !

It could pop-up within a jump of a whale in this project ! Market cap over 1M$ and by my point of view the lowest gems are the rarest ! SG will define itself when they gonna bring SG payment through app/ AI / donations / eazy withdraw but only for premium members which atm its only 800 SG to become a premium member

Don’t be mad on this guy who founded the idea of SocialGood. don’t get me wrong , but to bring so many partners into an app and their portion of share to be 0.1% of the project and rest 99.9% to the users , I might think SocialGood system works within the user favor for the mint project stage !

**I did it all that membership plan for the staking , I’m a platinum rank with 15% apy with daily-rewards-compound-system , I hope one day SocialGood will show its true self value **
**1 SG might hit above 100$ for its own unique design of minning-shopping **

Thanks so besides this shill here it is still as untrustworthy as it has been since it began to burn its users with effectively digital red tape. I never got into the platform but I have seen more to keep me away from it than to draw me into it.

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@VoskCoin Ban this shiller


yeah i joined right when they added the whole weird conditions and red tape added. there is literally a multi page doc on how and when you can withdraw. plus they added KYC. so to many red flags and annoyances to deal with it.

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-Claims to not be affiliate marketing but 100% is affiliate based marketing with different legal terms to “not be affiliate based marketing” (contracted to drive business to shopping companies for a kickback)
-Can only claim a percentage of what “they verify” that is spent in the app within the last 30 days +12$ (without referrals) they take months to verify your purchase so its never accounted for in withdrawal claims
-Only posts increases in exchange for currency value for example SG will be down 10% daily but uptick 2% in a 5 min closing the app will show that SG value has increased 2% like some kind of bad propaganda with the daily chart in front of you.
-Forces KYC and makes users watch cringe videos to over explain its reasoning for scammy practices in semi plausible ways. Its complete BS the App claims to have withdrawal restrictions for users to prevent mass sell offs. Which does solve that problem in theory, however SG has mass sell offs constantly from its team.
-Personally bought about $300 worth of nerf gun rip offs for some stocking stuffers I had over $7,000 worth of SG as a result When it was finally verified 6 months later > I could only withdraw $12 of SG.
Lets be real spend $300 get $7,000 SG in return that’s gonna be a no from me dawg. I hope I don’t get taxed on that
-Further cringe they have weird almost hentai art theme around holidays… + if your into that, I guess, weird play for a shopping app


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