Tax issues I wish I had known

I don’t know about other countries, but where I am, every movement of any kind is taxed. That includes every trade done by trading bots on exchanges. I had some of those for a while and getting the information out isn’t too hard. I can dump that into a tax caculating app like coinledger or koinly. Where that gets more dissapointing is these apps are billed by the transaction. I’ve got 16000 transactions just from the bots I had at Pionex. Koinly pricing is 10000 trasnactions for the biggest plan and then you have to buy more to get to the number you need to get the report out.
Sometimes, when I see Vosk engaging in new projects and moving things around, I wonder how much more difficult that makes his tax reporting.
Anyhow, I read up and in Koinly I can merge transactions of the same type on the same day. So I’ve merged it down to 8000 so far.
It would good if the tax apps could look at the value of the transactions and base their pricing on that rather than raw transaction volume. My playing about with bots is now going to cost me far more time or money than it was worth doing with the tax rules here.