The development prospect of Bitcoin

If you set the development of the internet at 100%, the current development of blockchain is probably far from 1%.
Here’s chatgpt’s answer, what do you all think?

Interesting and probably accurate IMO.

I would also believe that there will be other blockchains in addition to Bitcoins that will be successful.

As I sit here and type that, I wonder, how many blockchains will survive long term.

With ETFs, they new there were more than 10 being launched in the US and figured only 3 or 4 would survive long term.

Did they know about China launching Bitcoin ETFs? Austrailia launching ETFs? Does Dubai have a Bitcoin ETF?..have not checked, would not surprise me…

I would take the same thoughts that many applied to Bitcoin ETFs and apply that to the many Blockchains. Do any of the other blockchains look as reliable as Bitcoins? How many? Which ones?

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