This Week in Mining - The Bitcoin halvening, F2Pool's homage to Satoshi, and more

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Happy halvening week! Here’s what happened:

  1. The Bitcoin Halvening (Halving) - The third Bitcoin halving event occurred on the 11th of May at 19:23 UTC. Block 630,000 was mined by AntPool, ushering in the fourth Bitcoin epoch.
  2. F2Pool mined block 629,999 immediately before the halvening, adding a relevant homage to Satoshi’s original genesis block message: “NYTimes 09/Apr/2020 With $2.3T Injection, Fed’s Plan Far Exceeds 2008 Rescue”
  3. Lubian, a new Chinese mining pool, has grown to account for approximately 5.15% of the total Bitcoin hashrate in just three weeks. According to Dovey Wan of Primitive Ventures, this is likely a private pool that revealed itself publicly as the hashrate did not spike.