Tips and Tricks and Downloads for GPU Mining Ravencoin in 2020 - KAWPOW Hardfork!

for example i have 4 rigs, 3x rig 36xgpu 1x rig 6xgpu. for minerstat i pay 78eur per year for 4x rig = 78eur ÷12month= 6.5eur 4x rig month = 6.5eur ÷ 4rig= 1.62eur per rig month. 1.62eur 12x gph rig mining in 9h so 9h frot pay per month for stabil runing and plug and play is nothing compare to windows etch update for you cost more.
so thing better lost money with updates or pay couple usd or eur and run stable for high profit

some persons cry because need to pay. one day dont shop for you coffe some chocolate or ever and his couple usd or eur make you back double. i like windows also but is not very stable im use just for testing purposes or bios mod, plus windows take alot time to burn fresh win, install drivers testing or it stable, os is simple take 10min to burn in to usb or ssd plug and run. like i say windows can cost more of what you pay for os, second thing i dont need to stay close to rig to change something i can do it be app any where in world shut down rig, power on again, restart change pools,coins or even runing auto coin switch without touching rig

You do understand that not everyone has the problems that you have with Windows, right?

I don’t have any stability issues on the world’s most common PC operating system - it just runs until I tell it to stop. It doesn’t update unless I want it to because you can like … turn that off if it’s a problem for you. It doesn’t cause MH/s “jumping” on the 16x slot and the stability of the graphics driver on my larger rigs is not an issue for me - have you ever considered that it might be something you are doing wrong.

I also can access any of my rigs on Windows from anywhere in the world and do whatever I want with them and all of that costs me nothing per month!!!

I also have no problems with the hash rate of 185mH/s on 630W shown in the following pics (492W from the 6 RX570 GPUs hashing at 185mH/S and 628W at the wall

as compared to your 193mH/s on 930W - as shown in your pic here from a couple of days ago.

I think that speaks for itself.

I get it that you like Minerstat and Linux, but that’s no reason to continually carry on about Windows not working. It doesn’t work for you and that’s okay, but it is a better option for many others so just leave it to them to decide what they want to use.

do not compare 570 with 580, 580 draw more power from etch riser it nothing do with windows or linux im alredy told you power draw windows or linux is same 930watt, plus dont compare what show your miner software as is showing power usage off gpu not of hole rig, second miner software 580 is identicaly yours different is rx580 use extra power from riser plus r580 make more shares of rx570, second your rx570 600watt compare 930 rx580 made exactly same profit per month (±)5-10 usd. i see you dont understanding how is working power usage between different cards. for example rig1 use 500w profit after bill 10usd, rig2 use 1300w profit after bill is same 10usd

you need to watch profit not watt usage, share your nicehash day profit

Actually you don’t understand - some of that is even true but it’s not relevant.

It boils down to hash rate per watt. I’m getting 0.285mH/W (185/630) and you are getting 0.208mH/W (193/930) so at the same power cost and mining the same algorithm (Ethash whether on Phoenix or Claymores), I’m making a bigger profit than you. In fact I’m making 37% more than you are.

Here’s a screen shot from my RX570 rig taken a few minutes ago showing daily profit (in two grabs)

That’s AUD$6.32 per day which is about USD$4.50 per day. That’s almost exactly the same as the daily income on your 930W rig as shown in your picture about 10 posts up. And I’m only paying for the power consumption of 630W, so at the $0.17/kWh rate that you say you are paying, that means your daily power cost is $1.22 more than mine. And your RX580 Nitros cost a lot more than my RX570s.

I’ve never said it is anything to do with Linux or Minerstat - that’s you jumping to conclusions. But if as you say it’s completely down to the fact that the 580 draws more power than the 570, then why would you buy a 580???

All I’m saying is that you don’t have to jump on every post that suggest Windows mining and give us your entire history of problems with Windows. If you just suggest Minerstat as an alternative to consider without carrying on in 8 consecutive posts about how bad Windows is, then people can try it for themselves.

Nuff said!

nope you again not right rx580 use 0.21mh/w and profit is high of your,have along today my stats of nh plus today i have some isues with internet so couple cent is less as normally and egain you not right as profit you can in your country country money is higher of your

and here is how much mh/w at 930watt from wall again you are not right

and answer why i buy rx580 but not rx570 so answer is higher profit,second i can undercloked and get over 32mhs at 91watt and last think i my country new 580 cost 200eur used 70-90eur and is second chepest card with high profit at 0.17usd plus soon it runing on free power and i able to boost mhs at maximum with 1100watt from wall. my miners are made for stable runing and profit not for playing

and second people asking about runing stability rig not about with is better win os. aswer is 100% os is better of windows for mining for his reason all gpu farms using linux and dont care about montly pay as is important factory is runing ring without any stops

So reading this i got a little confused by the typing, are you saying windows os is better then linux? I have a little experience with linux and the constant building and sudo stuff just gives me a headache.

This is a Ford vs. Chevy or AMD vs. Nvidia type of argument. There isn’t anything wrong with either as long as you know how to use them. It just depends what you like and are comfortable with. I prefer Windows because I am familiar with it and have learned most of the tricks to prevent any instability because of updates or settings. There are some differences in driver performance so one can be slightly better than the other as far as hashrate or power at the same settings in some cases. I am starting another 5700 rig this week and I am going to run HiveOS since I don’t have more than a couple days experience with it so far. Many will say Linux is more stable but that wasn’t the case in my short experience with it and updating the drivers was a challenge that I eventually gave up on just to get the rig back online. Since I will only have a couple GPUs on this rig to start, it is a much cheaper rig to learn Linux stuff on.


linux is more stable of runing 13x gpu on linux it was so easy to setup but linux is harder if you use first time and need to do some update witch drivers and underclock, windows is more simple but is not so stable plus updates make alot trouble. but if mining with windows7 it much better of linux only problem is hard to get runing more of 4xgpu on win7,same on win10 little bit trouble run 13x gpu.any way if you use linux you still need to have test rig with windows as on linux you cant do bios mod or play with tune gpu, basically everything it done on windows after tranfer gpu to primary linux miner

you need to do first on windows after configure linux fallow win settings and transfer gpu to linux miner for long tearm stabil runing

i dont have problems with linux as i do alot programing on ubuntu,raspberry and macos over 7 years, couple weeks ago i just finish programming some scripts for monitos on win,ubuntu and macos, my plans use like 6x or 12x monitors from single pc without external gpu

I turn the Power, Temp, Core Clock, and Mem Clock all the way down
From there, I raise the power level no higher than 60
Core Clock can be raised … first to about 74, then higher but will crash eventually … then lower rate until stable.
Leave mem Clock all the way down. Turn fans up.

Doing that I was able to reduce power on a RTX 2070 to 107 Watts with 18.24 MH/s and the same 51C temperature. Here are the earnings:

Using Gminer 2.14 on 2Miners RVN Pool I can earn 50 RVN coins/day for $1.02 earnings/day and an electric cost of $0.33 cents/day. Net profit of $0.69 cents/day or $4.83/week on just one card.

can any one help me i keep gettin this,
‘t-rex’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. this isnt the first miner i got this from either.

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You are trying to run the program from the desktop or folder without the program.


  1. Run the program while in the T-Rex folder

  2. Create a shortcut to the batch file and copy it to the desktop. Click it there.

I had the same issue … to have it run on windows startup, place the shortcut in the windows startup folder and on MSI afterburner, select start with windows and leave the save setting padlock open.

P.S. The 1st time you run the program, windows defender is going to want to quarantine it. So allow it to run. If already quarantined you can fix that by selecting windows security in the start menu then selecting from virus protection/history the quarantined file and RESTORE it… or extract the folder from the zip file again and be sure your address and pool are in the batch file.