I have a quick question, i’ve been searching online about this but seems i’m the only one wondering?lol
I have some FutureBit Moonlander 2 and GekkoScience 2pac and NewPac laying around and i’m making this a Father-Daughter project where i would like to solo mine with these. I have all the hardware needed to mine with them, but out of curiosity i was wondering if HiveOS or any other mining OS would recognize the USB Miners and use them as if they were normal ASICS or GPUs that were connected to the computer…?
I have an extra RPI4 laying around that i could use, but if i can just setup another GPU mining rig and have the usb miners connected to it aswell it would make for an awesome little mixed rig.
Thanks for your time and feel free to tag me in the comments, i’ll make sure to keep an eye on every comment for interesting conversations!
I managed to install the cgminer for nerdaxe ultimate v1 usb asci miner. I did connect with webshell dont use ssh I did try it but didnot work.
Goto your webshell login as user and run the build code.
It works great only I cannot get it to work like a custom miner like cpu miner when you login again in the webshell your output on the screen for the miner is gone I tryed miner but I cannot switch to the active screen of the miner.
If you manage to get it working as custom miner I would be very happy