VoskCoin Cryptocurrency Token Review Format Input?

I’ve reviewed a lot of things over the years, especially cryptocurrencies, tokens, crypto projects etc on the VoskCoin YouTube channel. I’d like to make a new playlist with a re-occurring format.

Thought process is
fun intro
unique series intro instead of normal vc logo intro (TBD)
→ token name and ticker THEN Mcap category and details, ex. 100m token, w/ X tokens you’d need Y marketcap to become the next shitcoin millionaire
→ who they are, and what do they solve?
→ main competitors?
→ tokenomics
→ audit and contract eval
→ team, social media, and domain info as well as overall existence of project
→ how to get the token (exchanges?) defi?)
→ what can you do w/ it? ex go over staking their tokens
→ my review/final thoughts
→ something fun we always do? @CENT suggested an 8 ball on if it pumps or not lol
→ outro (unique to the series?)

ultimately want to make a series that people enjoy and subscribe for, big focus on if the project simply has potential, is undervalued, and is it safe? the series would be a mix of my own interests and research as well as sponsored token reviews, but sponsorship never guarantees favor, simply coverage, they could get grilled if the project sucks or is scammy, as always on the Vosk of Coin!

EDIT 1 its not really noted here, but if anything I cannot figure out or questionable comes up, I message the project team or marketing agency, sometimes they help me figure things out, sometimes they get mad I have the audacity to do quality research lol, and sometimes they simply say no/deny or just do not reply… this data will be included in this, probably just in the relevant sections…

EDIT 2 I normally talk about road maps but should make a point to review them or ask where is it? They’re pretty standard in the crypto space. Probably best suited right before my final thoughts/review.

EDIT 3 titles/chapters brainstorming

Intro(not needed)
series opener (instead of vc logo intro normally used)
Whats the project, token ticker, and how much are they worth? (too long?)
What do they do, what problem do they solve?
project security and authenticity
evaluating their team and ecosystem (ex team review and social media review and domain whois?)
What do they do? How to use it? (ex its digital currency and you can stake it, heres how)
VoskCoin review and final thoughts
fun, tbd, 8 ball?? lol
outro (unique to the series)

Seeking your input, ideas, what YOU would like to see in a series, and what you would like to NOT see in it?


Go ham, I’ve been waiting for you to say this for a long time senpai


start a live show once a week for 1 and a half hours with segments.

some general updates
cool coins or projects with a guest (related to the project or just someone in the space)

bonus points if you have a viewer call in thrown in there for a quick 5 min question answer, or simp.

also switch the time of day every month so people in different time zones can join.


Really that be cool maybe some advice stuff for the advice miner. What would be better is more of u interacting with subscribers. Do live ask vosk anything do meet up be more involved with subscribers. Keep old subscriber by interacting with them and get new ones from videos.all the vlogger I follow do meet up live talks and interact with there community just name a few Kara and Nate,drew binski,frequent miler,yes theory,seek discomfort.We even have a meet up already in Vegas on the 22 of July that me and badger have set up to interact with the vosk community.


Super dirty anonymous suggestions i like them

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Lol that’s me I just want new content that I’d watch most is either noonish to me or it’s defi which I don’t do so I have watch a video in a while I’d like to see some advance stuff like overclocking underclocking hashboard change outs control board changes

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Ou mama, that’s an interesting take! Wouldn’t you like to have it in different videos, like a series, make them, but instead of one giant livestream, do it in 4 vids, 1 vid a week, with some Easter eggs in every one?

Struggling with some of these title/chapter cards, I want them to be elaborate enough everyone understands but not an entire sentence lol

example and edit 3 merged into original post

EDIT 3 titles/chapters brainstorming

Intro(not needed)
series opener (instead of vc logo intro normally used)
Whats the project, token ticker, and how much are they worth? (too long?)
What do they do, what problem do they solve?
project security and authenticity
evaluating their team and ecosystem (ex team review and social media review and domain whois?)
What do they do? How to use it? (ex its digital currency and you can stake it, heres how)
VoskCoin review and final thoughts
fun, tbd, 8 ball?? lol
outro (unique to the series)


I like the 8 ball idea! That could add a fun element to it.

Here are some chapter card ideas. I think it’s best to keep some of them high level, and then you can add more if they make sense or if there’s additional helpful information on them out there (so not necessarily in all the videos).

Chapter Card Ideas:
Background Information
Usability/How to Buy
Social Activity/Community Engagement
Overall Review


vosk video consists of: hey 8 ball, should I buy sh!t coin? 8 ball: my sources say so. vosk: LEMEE GUESS THE DEV PAYED YA RIGHT?
Sounds like a great idea!

We need VoskCoin everything

Need to do lookbacks at some point to see how coins previously reviewed are doing. Maybe a running ticker across the bottom of coins you’ve reviewed.

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easter eggs are always a fun idea. not something as intense as upper echelons that requires a computer science degree lol. i just think livestreams are a good way to interact with the community while still have some constraint thats not overwhelming. but yes it could be done in smaller videos with a similar format.

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I like the statement at the very beginning about sponsorship " They are a sponsor, and they paid me in stable coin" I would suggest adding your personal ownership stake - like CNBC does. Maybe “I currently own a very small amount of these coins, with intent to hold long term.”

What about playing cards worth actual money and when I say playing cards? I’m talking like something similar to good old The Gathering Magic cards, but they’re for crypto. They obviously would not be tied to the cards in any way. They would just have a format similar to these cards. Though not exactly like magic the gathering cards.