VoskCoin giveaways for April and May 2021

Hey I saw you commented here saying we are encouraged to screenshot the YT comment here. So I just wanted to do that before I forget. Thanks VOSK da BAWS


4.29 earn a wopping interst , sure its no yield farm, but its nort bad :slight_smile:
BNB BSC address 0x0e5ea0097d27a61644dabc286fd4e2f85bdbaf86

Thank you for some great content. I follow it every video

STBZ winner txid 0x2039598a3a2fea9bd2014316a26eeb2657d8888a77e5eb0fadef2509b4c1abe9
500 BANANA being sent out today as well



love Tails, 2:48 its time to build my rig thanks for all the info

1:49 “You know, the bloodiest currency in the world is the USD” :pirate_flag:
BTC bc1qgdsemseum2qssh5ruzzqfn3fkdt72v4kh8dxp3

Thank you for doing all this

Semoga beruntung


It’s past May. Did I win yet?

Not sure why people are pasting their BTC address…

Anyways, 4:04, that lovely URL error code had me in giggles.

Hope I’m not too late for this!! :crossed_fingers:t4:

Are any of the giveaways live? Or the winners have all been chosen?