VoskCoin Harddrive Mining Farm Snapshot October 2023

VoskCoin Harddrive Mining Farm Snapshot October 2023
We added another Chia XCH farmer to the HDD mining farm, which was a VoskCoin Tails Edition Evergreen Miner, it was great to see that product come to market after several months of development. Unlucky with XCH blocks though!


Next time you get a chance to talk to the Evergreen guys, you might suggest to them that they need to give more status updates on orders. I’ve been waiting 3.5 weeks now for the Tails Edition. I know they said up to 4 weeks before it ships, but I’m impatient, and some sort of status update would be nice. Thanks.


Would love to see more of these! its great to see what the vosk farm is doing!


whats your order number? @drose can you give a status update on his order?


got them out the last 3 months! Hoping to add a BTC mining snapshot yet, but these take more effort than some people would think lol but stoked to hear you enjoy them


Order number 3329

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Would love to see a BTC one! its kind of like a log where people can see how the mining farm is growing!

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appreciate the suggestion my friend! I have definitely wanted to, just haven’t compiled it yet, BTC miners have been all over the place but TLDR moving them all to braiins pool which will give me simple data I can compile into a snapshot like this

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Its shipped out!

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