VoskCoin HDD Mining Farm Snapshot August 2023

VoskCoin HDD Mining Farm Snapshot August 2023


Can you put how much you sent?

What do you mean how much I sent? Like data usage?

I meant spent. Like per month on electricity, and how much the whole set up cost to create.

Based on this calculator

the Starter Kit Pro still has not earned enough to ROI even after 5 years. (at current XCH price) Then… hard drives fail and have to be replaced at some point. So even with compression, I don’t see how this works at the current price. I’m not poo pooing Chia at all. I’ve been watching this for a while now, and scratching my head. Just trying to figure out what others are seeing that I’m not. :slight_smile:

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VoskCoin Septmber HDD mining snapshot is live!


Are you holding Chia, or trading for BTC? Just curious.

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holding 100% of chia mined and that’s the plan for the foreseeable future

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