VoskCoin Solar Powered Crypto Mining Farm Build Plan! ☀️ Input Needed!

Fun idea that probably is stressful af anyways lol, have a small section for people willing to rent their miners, but that’s gonna be a pain to work out smoothly, cool if it works out

Do you have different rates for time of day or are you flat rate all day?
Do you still have net metering for solar back to the grid or did they take that away?
My solar got bumped out to January here, so I’m wasting the sothern hemishphere summer - but I’m probably more interested in the batteries smoothing me into night rate power all day then I am about solar. The batteries work consistently summer or winter so I should end up on an equivilent 8c USD rate all the time. The panels will just be a summer bonus when I can turn on more load…

Not sure where you are currently and what your plans are but here’s my 2cents. One s19 needs about 80kw every 24 hrs. You probably average 6ish sun hours a day during the year, more in summer less in winter. This means you need about a 15kw array to supply power for each miner. 18hrs of no sun would mean a bit over 60kwhr battery bank.

Server rack batteries can be bought for quite a bit less now than a year ago. 30.7kwhr preassembled battery bank for $9k.

That’s still 18k in batteries though for each miner. For me i would only do batteries if your utility is being greedy about net metering or you think they might in the future. You could use some in your personal house though.

Even if you don’t do batteries your best bang for the buck is over paneling. Panels are cheaper than batteries. That’s going to be a lot of panels so ground mount it is. You could probably diy the whole thing with a little help. It would make a great video too.

There are quite a few companies that will give you a fully designed system you can assemble yourself. Engineering and plans for permitting included. I just ordered my full system from the https://www.altestore.com/ for $25k with the plan package. 13.6kw roof mount with all hardware, panels&inverter. No batteries but its battery ready. You could go full ham on the diy route, it’s easier than you think, and assemble/ design it yourself. https://diysolarforum.com/ They have good resources on cheap panels & batteries.

Ps, look into immersion cooling for reducing continuous power draw. Im saving almost 10% power without the stock fans running on my s19s.

I have a hydro system ready to be built out…way more power then this video shows…still for sale until I have time to get it together. link is in another of my posts.

Hey GhostTiger,

I have the land for this set up ! I have already talked with Turbulent. The permits in putting this in is no big deal as I own the land where the water flows through and it was once used as hydro plant before. The gristmill that was there wash away in 1910. I can not get into this project right now as I am taking care of a family member, so the land is for sale…if it does not sell I will get it going when time permits.

FSBO Real Estate Listings: Buy or Sell a House | ForSaleByOwner

without batteries when the power goes out, so does yours.

Hey @VoskCoin or @VOSK or @MSVOSK,

Saw a course on UDEMY, 6/3/24, only two days to get this course for $22.99, normally costs $124.99, figure you could use the link below, check out the topics and see if any of them would be of interest.

If you do not know about UDEMY, you can pay for a course NOW and take it anytime in the next few years…so you do not have to commit time right now.

And at $22.99, heck if there is one topic in the “What you’ll learn” section that would help you, it would be worth it.

Hope this gets to you in the next two days so you can at least see if it is something that would be useful or not…,…I just saw it tonight when I was looking for course around controlling devices remotely…here is the link:


Also there is a particular fan I have seen, spins, no matter which way the wind is blowing, will have to find it again to send you a link, but when I do I will share…I figure we learn from each other and none of us has time to get to everything in this one short life…so hope it helps.

FYI, I have no affiliation with UDEMY, other than being a satisfied customer, just purchased over $260 worth of courses for myself, get to them eventually…wanted to take advantage of the sell price, they do this a couple of times a year, so if you miss this one, start an account and they will let you know when they have new courses in the topics you are interested in and when they go on sell, later have to get to bed so I can get up and work my 2nd shift job…one day I will not need to, come on Bitcoin!

Have you looked into the USDA REAP program? It can pretty much allow you to recoup almost 100% of your initial investment in setting up a small electric utility in rural communities.
Im looking at it for setting up a 5-10MW solar utility and using the excess for Crypto Mining.

Hey everyone i really enjoy the channel. This is my 1st post. Im new to mining and bitcoin in general. I recently self installed a solar system at my house. 84 545 w bifacial panels on a ground mount with 3 sol ark 15k inverters. In the process of commissioning it now.
On most days i will generate significantly more power than i need. I oversized it for cloudy days and to grow into it as needs may change in the future. My energy provider does not offer any buybacks on my excess.
I was looking to purchase 1-3 asic miners to use up the excess. Is there a way to turn them off and on remotely or to schedule them to run just certain hours of the day say from 8 am to 6pm? I do have almost 60kwh of battery backup that is enough to run my house with some head room but not the miners over night. Im still grid tied but prefer not to use it. Appreciate any help.


Hey mate you can use Delta grid connect power points to set them on a timer, I also used a app on my computer, I think it’s called blue stacks that lets you run iOS apps, I was trying to get my pc to read my inverter in real time and turn miners on/off based on solar, but the internet explorer I could only get to run was too old to read my inverter, the app was too advanced. Just something to think about, good luck!

Edit: if you can get it to read you can navigate to miner page and put it on sleep mode during solar hours

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I never completed it, but my Sungrow has a plugin for Home assistant, and Home assistant has some ability to put miners into sleep mode even with the stock Antmier firmware. This is a good place to start:

Here is my current Setup:

48 540w Bi-Facial Panels
16 560w Bi-Facial Panels
2 EG4 18kPV inverters (240v)
8 Trophy 230Ah Batteries 90112 wh total (48v)
40’ Shipping container that holds all miners and solar panels
2 exhaust fans
1 60amp 240v circuit incase there is no Solar for several days
Starlink Internet w/ T-Mobile 5G internet (balance loaded traffic)
Tripplite Switched/Metered PDUs
Custom Built Mining Farm control software I wrote in GO. Monitors Inverters, Batteries, Solar Production, Weather conditions and miner profitability and efficient. Turns miners on and off based on weather, solar, battery and profitability/efficiency. 100% fully automated!

See photos:

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I agree. That’s how I wired my solar for my exhaust fans. If one line goes down I still have two other lines, and I don’t have to spend time troubleshooting.

I regret getting a residential Tesla battery. I should have just bought a commercial one and been done with it.

Just seeing this setup and that is sweet. Just need to package that up into a all-in-one and you’d have at least 1 customer for it…

Great setup theclam. I am thinking of going into crypto as well, i already have solar panels and some wind turbines and 2 more wind turbines are going to be done by april. I am shocked that there are people out there who actually mine and pay for electricity, i thought everyone has solars or turbines.

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