VoskCoin's 7 Year Anniversary

VoskCoin officially turns 7 years old today, May 2nd, 2017 I uploaded the first video to YouTube, reviewing a GPU mining rig that I recorded and edited after working the night shift… Life has been crazy ever since, I am grateful for the opportunity and thankful to everyone who subscribes and watches our content.

1000’s of videos, for years it was just me, and now VoskCoin proudly employs 7 people and the best shiba inu in the world (well Tails gets paid in treats lol).

I have learned so much, been challenged in so many ways, and if I could go back, I’d go right back down this path again…

Honestly, it hasn’t been easy, leaving my old full-time job, to work what was often basically 2x full-time jobs… Being a content creator, and building a mining farm isn’t as easy as just plugging a computer into the wall, and yelling at the camera for 10 minutes and pushing upload.

I’ve grown more in the past 7 years than the rest of my prior life combined. I’m looking forward to the future, to smoothing out the process, making better content, continuing to build the mining farm, and above all just getting back to my roots of having fun as well as enjoying the process.

If you’re still reading this – thank you, without you, I couldn’t be on this “crazy crypto journey”.


Yelling at the camera :rofl: Thank you so much for being an amazing content creator. You were one of the main ones that got me into mining. Keep up the great work, and happy anniversary!


Congratulations @VoskCoin on the success of VoskCoin. You bring education in a fun and entertaining way to all of us with the help of course from @MissVosk and Tails. Keep it up good sir. :slight_smile:

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A solid success story Drew. It begins with a dream, then action and perseverance to push through when one must! Wearing multiple headdresses isn’t easy and not for the meek. In truth, ones success story can only be measured by oneself. Some will argue that simply making the attempt is a success. I am one of those. There are no participation trophies in life, whether win or lose it takes an idea and motivation.

Fortunately, you are on the upside of your venture. What better way is there going along path of life than doing what one loves and enjoy doing? Happy belated 7th, I pray you see many more 7s. Congrats and hats off to you and yours! May God continue with His blessings!

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