What is your favorite video game of all time? + Giveaway!

civ 6 for the most hours lol

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So many great Games I would put my top 2 as Final Fantasy Tactics (hundreds of hours put in) & Never Winter Nights (really just the online persistent worlds people have done).

Some other honorable mentions Lufia II (SNES), Shining Force I & II (Sega), Super Mario RPG (SNES), Sim City 2000 (PC), Quest For Glory 1, 3, & 4 (PC), & Starsiege Tribes (PC excellent mod community). I could go on listing so many great games I have loved.


Dude , Tribes! Man that brings back so many memories

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I am too lazy to get it working on my modern PC but I know some communities still running it. I used to do some modding for it nothing too successful or well know I don’t think.

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Terraria is one of my top top favorite of all time!


Aww hell yeah :sunglasses:
I bought a emulator for my boy and he lives the Marios from the Nintendo and SNES era it was a gift for both of us :smile:

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You can enter a second time, with the same rules as the OP, but using the VoskCoin Bitmain Antminer L7 2023 review video here!


ah thats a good one, exquisite taste


I feel like everyone is forgetting about Dragonball Z Budokai or even the Gameboy Pokemon versions lol

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My favorite is old, old, old school:
Leisure Suit Larry. 5-1/4 floppy’s and cutting edge vga graphics baby!

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My favourite old school game was, Age Of Empires! I spent every spare hour i could on it after school!

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My favorite game of all time has to be Final Fantasy VII. Hands down the best game.

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My favorite games of all time are Warcraft 2, DOTA and World of Warcraft.

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Favorite game was MechWarrior on the PC. Really liked the Halo series as well.


Im not that original. My favorite game is PUBG. It’s very down and dirty as a battle Royale no pay to win, no pay to win.

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It’s a toss-up between Shadowgate and LoZ for NES. If I could only pick one, I would probably go with LoZ. I also really love Castlevania I and III (not a Simon’s Quest fan), though I’ve only watched others beat them, and never made it to the end myself.

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Oh My how long whitout playing Commander Keen!!! I just going to Internet Archive and look for it in this moemtn.

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My favorite game would have to be Runeacape. Played it for decades now.

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In response to my original post

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My favorite video game was Tecmo Super Bowl.