Will XRP Surpass ETHEREUM SOON?! $589 per XRP💥🚀

Will Ripple XRP really surpass Ethereum soon?! Is $589 per XRP coin really possible?! Is XRP set to explode thanks to the incoming airdrop and the XRP Ethereum bridge they are building?! Subscribe to VoskCoin - http://voskco.in/Sub

You can get $25 for free and stake XRP here - https://medium.com/voskcoin/crypto-com-review-50-for-free-58b7287170f4

This video is inspired by Chico Crypto’s XRP Will Surpass ETHEREUM SOON!! $589 per XRP​:boom::rocket: video here on YouTube where he reviews Ripple XRP! For years I’ve heard of Ripple ripple ripple and the XRP XRP XRP army, seriously it’s a very interesting and vocal community. I know people that are invested in XRP and literally no other cryptocurrencies. XRP flipping ETH is quite a big goal and achievement… if achieved of course but is it actually possible? Is it realistic that XRP can surpass Ethereum? For years the XRP $589 number has been thrown around, let’s also review if the Ripple XRP price prediction of $589 a coin is possible. Will the Flare Token airdrop take XRP to the moon or is the FLR XRP airdrop just another pump and dump??

:alarm_clock: Timestamps! :love_letter:
00:00 - 01:02 Introduction
01:03 - 02:00 XRP’s Ethereum bridge
02:01 - 03:34 Flare Network Airdrop
03:35 - 04:22 Exchanges supporting the airdrop
04:23 - 05:28 Flare’s Trojan Horse for Ethereum
05:29 - 06:11 Who and what are Flare (FLR)?
06:12 - 06:44 Bityard (Sponsorship)
06:45 - 08:15 Looking at the numbers
08:16 - 10:25 Why are you in the cryptocurrency space?
10:26 - 12:44 Will XRP go to $589?
12:45 - 14:44 Can XRP ever surpass Ethereum?
14:45 - 15:26 What are your thoughts?

Watch Chico Cryptos XRP flipping ETH video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IguSq66eY18
Ripple XRP to $589 per coin - http://voskco.in/xrp589
How to be able to claim Flare XRP FLR airdrop - http://voskco.in/xrp0
XRP Flare FLR airdrop Kraken Coinbase support - http://voskco.in/xrp1
Kraken exchange supports FLR XRP air drop - http://voskco.in/xrp2
Flare proposes XRP Ethereum bridge - http://voskco.in/xrp3
Flare funded by Xpring for XRP ETH bridge - http://voskco.in/xrp4
Thumbnail credit buying XRP with Ethereum - http://voskco.in/xrp5

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