WISE Staking to Go Live in Six Weeks’ Time

Well, here’s some good news for all the investors and staking-enthusiasts who are eagerly waiting to join the WISE ecosystem.

The WISE Staking will go live in six weeks’ time (October first week), on a test basis, where users will be allowed to reserve WISE by sending ETH to the smart contract.

This is NOT the official launch. We are only making the platform live so that interested users & investors can RESERVE the tokens in advance. The hard launch of WISE is scheduled in November. It will be a 50-days event, during which 5 million WISE will be available to be reserved on each day of launch.

The official date for the WISE hard launch is 11th Nov, 2020.

During the test phase, users can start reserving WISE on a preliminary basis by sending ETH to the WISE contract. The process will be live on our official website, and you can connect with MetaMask to start staking.

About WISE

WISE is a Proof-of-stake cryptocurrency with a dedicated staking mechanism to allow users to earn money through interest. You can create a stake by reserving WISE during the launch period. To reserve WISE, users will need to send ETH to the WISE contract. Then, they can reserve (stake) their WISE tokens in the contract for a specific time period (called stake length).

For the stake length, your stake will generate interest through WISE appreciation and bonus shares. The interest, along with the principal, will be payable to stakeholders at the time of maturity. However, an investor can also withdraw his stake interest even before maturity for a zero fee.

Flexibility in withdrawals is one of the best features of WISE. It’s highly secure and contains low risk compared to traditional deposits like bonds. The interest rate is also higher.

You can start reserving WISE in six weeks’ time, while the actual distribution will start after the Hard Launch on 11th Nov, 2020.

For more updates and news, follow our Telegram channel www.t.me/WiseToken