xmrig still the software to go with to mine XMR? Also is it worth it to mine with my i9 7980xe since it only uses half the cores on my CPU?
I have the 7980xe processor and use 14 threads with Hellminer to mine Verus without overheating or other problems.
I used xmrig to GPU mine RYO with a 4GB video card with no problems. I’ll be switching to RVN on the video card though as it is much more profitable and it will use GMiner.
XMRig still mines XMR but I haven’t tried it.
Dang… You are starting new threads for same issue
Its not the miner software which dictates the use of you CPU, its the design of Proof of Work(POW)
XMRig is the recommended one for XMR
Or else mine coins like Verus, Wownero with diff POW and dump them for BTC