Xpet a play to earn crypto twitter X game

Xpet is a play to earn crypto twitter X farming game, where you can basically farm the bpet and xpet tokens while using twitter.

You earn boosted rewards with a high level invite code, like mine, please use it for both of our sakes!


You can download the xpet wallet here, they also have mobile versions on their website.

Watch the full VoskCoin review on YouTube here!


joined, and trying it out.

I’m in! Looks cool!

Thanks bro!

Every time I try to launch the extension it just loads to a white screen that says “Login Successfully. Sending authentication data to extension…” at the top of the screen and doesn’t redirect back even upon refresh, stays on the crazy url: api.xpet.tech/loginSuccess?access_token=eyJhbiOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5…z3MDc3MzE5Njl9.d8qMHw_K-oZX9Sa2H4TU35hPNhqI4QgnTol_sUFRhjc.
When I reload my feed either through ‘back’ or a new tab, (tried a few ways) it is still not logged in, and when I click on the icon it just prompts to login all over again.
Any help would be super appreciated!

/Do I need to be Premium?, /Do I need to create an OKX wallet and login through that instead perhaps?,

When it comes to Xpet, it’s always good to explore your options. If you’re considering diving deeper into play-to-earn crypto games, have you ever thought about trying out cash games too? They offer a different kind of thrill and could be worth checking out alongside your crypto adventures.

you sound like a spam bot