Your S19 J pro miners can survive the halving - 75T at 1700 watts

Both my mate and I have been mining at 75T for 1700 watts from our 104T S19 J pro miners. My miner has BM1362AC chips and his is BM1362AI chips, his miner runs at slightly different settings but we have the same result. His miner is running stock fans and mine is using both water cooling plates and an exhaust fan. The advantage of this is this runs at 23 watts/T, the same as a K pro for roughly the same price/T (using 75T as a base point) except say when mining price is $120 per PH, you could run these miners normally for 208T for the normal 6000 combined watts and be better off compared to running a 120T K pro.

There’s some sharks out there who will be pissed off about me sharing how to do this but F them, power to the little guy. Assuming goes well, I will post a tutorial on how to do this April 1st, which will allow me to make sure nothing can go wrong. So if you’re thinking of selling your J pros before the halving, maybe just give it a second thought.

I made a video a few days ago showing it for 65T for 1400 watts before power consumption

