1 in 100 chance to win a Helium HNT Hotspot miner! READY TO SHIP!

So finally some good news!!!


Etsy just messaged me so I could reorder!

Count me in the raffle thanks for doing this!

I got my coin, I hope the gods of Helium look down and bless me with the win!

I’ve got my coin and am ready to start mining with this RAK hotspot!

Just ordered mine

Hello! 1 coin = 1,000,000 entries compared to 1 comment = 1 entry.

VoskCoin silver VoskCoins coins

This is pretty rad give away guys and gals. I wish everyone good luck!

Hoping this gives me a chance too. Bought the Voskcoin on Etsy! Good luck everyone.:fire:

Your videos have been the perfect bonding item for me and my daughters as we are trying to learn our way around crypto. They love tails, can you make some items with your doge on it too. Though i owe them a doge of their own if I win this raffle.

Appreciate what you do :call_me_hand: always down for a new miner too. :pray:t2:

Mrs. Polarbear said she wanted a coin too. They were in her words “nice and shiny”. So here is a screenshot of a second order of a coin.

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Just ordered my silver coin let’s gooo!!! :sunglasses:

Just got one!

Ready to make my voice high (and my bank account) with a brand new HE miner ;-). Figured I’d leave an extra comment to slightly increase my chances.

Just got mine ordered. Hoping still can get entry for drawing.

Got my vodka coin

Got mine. Says only 5 left

Hey Vosk I had bought a coin when first offered on ebay. And now that u announced. I would like to enter the raffle for a miner.
I hope to WIN!